Annual General Meeting 21st October 2010

From Tennis

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125th Annual General Meeting
Thursday 21st October 2010
In the Clubhouse, Weston Green Road
7.30 pm for 8.00 pm

The AGM is open to all paid-up Adult Members.


Letter to Members

September 2010

Dear Members

Notice of the 125th Annual General Meeting

The Club’s AGM will take place at the Tennis Club on Thursday 21st October 2010 at 7.30 for 8.00pm. The meeting is open to all paid-up adult Members.

The purpose of the AGM is to update members about the Club’s performance over the past year, as well as outline plans for the coming season. It is also your opportunity to stand for a committee position. There is one vacancy on the current committee and all committee positions are, as always, up for election. The Committee vacancy is:

  • Match Secretary

Please don't hesitate to talk to Graeme Boddy or Andrew Meatyard if you want to find out what this role involves.

The Agenda, Minutes from last year, a list of all Directors standing for re-election, nomination forms and proxy voting forms are enclosed. The Club’s accounts for the financial year ended 30th April 2010 will also be presented at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

Jane Baller

Club Secretary


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the 124th Annual General Meeting
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Club Reports:
    • Coach
    • Groundsman
    • Bar Secretary
    • Membership Secretary
  5. TDLTC Accounts (year ended 30th April 2010)
  6. Elect Club’s Directors/Committee Members for the year 2010/11
  7. Founder Member’s Prize
  8. Court Surfaces
  9. Any Other Business

Nominations for the Committee

Your club is a Company limited by guarantee. It is run by volunteers who carry out a substantial range and volume of work and attend Club committee meetings. Each committee member is a Director of the company. Each year all the members stand down although they are eligible for re-election. Please find enclosed a nomination form for any adult club member willing to stand for election at the AGM and serve on the committee as a Club Director. The duties and responsibilities of Directors of the club are not onerous and do not involve any substantial financial risk; no special qualifications are required. However, the Club’s policy does require all Directors and club coaches to sign a Child Protection Declaration which allows criminal record checks to be carried out. Our insurance policy requires Directors to provide references.

The progress and development of the Club depends on the efforts of an effective committee. Members are encouraged to put themselves forward for any committee position where they feel they could contribute, even if a current committee member is seeking re-election for that position. Healthy competition will be welcomed. For further information please contact Andrew Meatyard (Chairman) or any other member of the committee.

Directors standing for re-election:

  • Andrew Meatyard Chairman
  • Chris Lewis Membership Secretary
  • Steve Banham Bar Secretary
  • Gavin Wilson Information Secretary
  • Jane Baller Club Secretary
  • Irene McClean House Secretary
  • Bev Banham Social Secretary
  • Julia Francis Ground Secretary
  • Tom Kelly Treasurer
  • Guy Bracewell Junior Secretary

Vacancy on the Committee:

  • Match Secretary
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