Messages from the Chairman

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Hi All

I just wanted to let you know of some developments at the club:

  1. As most of you are aware, the floodlights have been erected and the official open night is this coming Thursday the 1st of April at 7pm. All members are welcome, so please come down, have a game or a drink or both (there will be a complimentary bar for the first couple of hours). The new mini-pavilion is a few weeks from completion but will be usable for the floodlights from Thursday. Our timing for the lights has been perfect—the clocks have gone forward and the summer season is almost upon us!!! Tokens for the lights can be purchased from the bar (£1.50 for 30 minutes) until the committee have decided upon the most efficient and easiest method of distribution. Please note that the lights will be free on social evenings such as Fixed Four nights, Friday evenings and free for coaching sessions.
  2. The committee is also pleased to announce that after three and a half years of negotiating with Sport England and providing an array of reports and proof of various expenditure, we have managed to finalise the initial lottery grant to purchase the freehold. This has resulted in a final payment to the club of £11,000. However before we get too excited, I have to tell you that this money has already been spent on assets that are indirectly linked to the floodlights. Special thanks go to Tom Kelly for his free investigative work and to Chris Lewis for the free legal work.
  3. Despite the large capital expenditure, there are no increases in the price of subscriptions this year. Indeed the price of a family subscription has fallen £35, to a more wallet-friendly £465. The subscriptions now represent exceptional value for money, given that the floodlights should enable play for 12 months a year.
  4. (This is my favourite). After intensive and hard-fought negotiations, the price of London Pride in the bar has been cut to £2.20 a pint.

See you on Thursday and I will buy you a drink (providing you turn up in the first couple of hours).

Andrew Meatyard

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