Yield to Temptation in Tupperware Party
From Tcsobdf
Yield to Temptation in Tupperware Party is song by The Coarse Smell of Burning Decayed Flesh. It was made and recorded in late 2007, it's lyrics and music is made by Xavier Scullcrusher. It's also singed by him. It was the first song of TCSoBDF.
Music video
Music video was made in very early 2008. Music video is starred by X. Scullcrusher and edited by Pete McPain. Music video is available in YouTube, and it was first music video of TCSoBDF.
Doomsday is coming on the earth!
Doomsday brings those flames on the earth!
Doomsday is not nice thing, however...
Doomsday brings those fiery flames on earth!
Those flames are so dark and betrayed.
They burn, whole world!