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The Lost Room

From Stormravengaming

The Lost Room
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Air Dates 2006
Continuity Dates 2006

The Lost Room tells the story of Detective Joe Miller as he finds a hotel key that can unlock any door with a tumbler lock and thereby can open a portal to a pocket dimension known as room 10. Once he has the Key, he also discovers the other mysterious Objects, gets caught up in the power struggles of those trying to collect and control them, and then loses his daughter Anna in room 10. As he strives to rescue her from the room, he must above all else keep the Key secure from those who covet it and will stop at nothing to take it. Eventually he determines that he must take the place of Eddie McCleister, the room's former Occupant, and become an Object himself in order to rescue his daughter.



Central Characters

Peripheral Characters

Deceased Characters


  • The Collectors – The original cabal of Object collectors, brought together in 1961 after the rediscovery of room 10 and the Objects. Destroyed in 1966 after the failed Conroy experiment.
  • The Legion – Dedicated to collecting the Objects and removing them from circulation so that they will cause no more harm. Mostly scrupulous.
  • The Order of the Reunification – Also called the Order or the New Religion. Believes that the Objects are fragments of God and that by gathering them all together, they can communicate with God (or wield God's power, or become God). Strong in Michigan. Ruthless.


  • Room 9 – Location of the failed Conroy experiment.
  • Room 10 – Room from the Sunshine Motel, now in a pocket dimension. Accessible with the Key from any door with a tumbler lock.
  • The Sunshine Motel – Location of the event that ripped room 10 out of our reality and created the Objects.
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