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Midland, Texas

From Stormravengaming

Midland is the county seat of Midland County, located on the Southern Plains of the western area of the U.S. State of Texas. It is the principal city of and is included in the Midland, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Midland-Odessa Combined Statistical Area. As of the 2006 U.S. Census estimate, the city had a total population of 100,378. The Midland–Odessa metropolitan area, however, had a population of 246,710.

Midland was originally founded as the midway point between Fort Worth and El Paso on the Texas and Pacific Railroad in 1881. The city has received national recognition as the hometown of President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush; however, after his election to the office of Governor, it was discovered that Bush was actually born in Connecticut.

For a full description of the real-world city, see the article at Wikipedia.

In TV Superheroes

Charlie Andrews lived in Midland and worked at the Burnt Toast Diner until she was murdered by Sylar.

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