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Insert blurb on Tavrica here.


Tavrican National Information

First Archduke of Tavrica: Farlen Tell

Current Archduke of Tavrica: Cayel Reldin

National Weapon: Tell

Heraldic Color: Blue

Estimate Population: 890400

Major Imports: Metals, vegetables

Major Exports: Lumber, stone, hunting goods

The Tavrican Army

Regulars 64800 Men

  • 1300 Frontiersmen
  • 2500 Gryphon Knights
  • 2000 Falcoknights
  • 1500 Wyvern Knights
  • 1500 Wyvern Lords
  • 7000 Snipers
  • 1000 Rangers
  • 5000 Warriors
  • 6000 Pegasus Knights
  • 5000 Wyvern Riders
  • 12000 Archers
  • 7000 Fighters
  • 13000 Soldiers

Irregulars 46500 Men

  • 2500 Wanderers
  • 2000 Hunters
  • 1000 Frontiersmen
  • 1500 Snipers
  • 20000 Archers
  • 13000 Fighters
  • 3000 Thieves
  • 500 Sages
  • 3000 Mages

Current Fighting Strength: 111300 Men

Tavrican Characters

Cayel Reldin - Archduke (Commander)
Xanthus Ruroki - High Duke of the Eastern Marches (Sub-Commander)
Maryna Tanear - High Duchess of the Western Marches (Sub-Commander)
Lyddia Tanear - Duchess of Schlossburg (Officer)
Fergal Bowen - Duke of the Schwarzwald (Officer)
Alroy Urquhart - Lieutenant
Aowyn Andraste- Duchess of Hohenberge (Prepromote)

Religion, Legend, and Lore of Tavrica

See Tavrican Legends and Lore.

The Typical Tavrican

Physical: Tavricans generally have long hair. On the men, it often hangs down just past the shoulder level, and on the women, its common for the hair to exceed the waistline. Blond is the most common hair color, though, towards the Endali border, red hair becomes quite visible, and brown is more often found on the Thanedom borderline. Tavrican men are quite often clean shaven or with a slight stubble, full beards being few and far between, and mostly in the colder regions. They usually have pale skin, that comes from living in forests most of the time.

Most Tavricans are tallish: 5'5"-6'0" for the women and 5'10"-6'4" for the men. They are generally slender, women being anywhere between 105-130 lbs and men weighing 140-180 lbs. Women mostly wear long, festive dresses, and men wear loose pants and long sleeved shirts. Commonly found colors include blues, greens, browns, and grays, these colors making the best camouflage against the Tavrican forests, mountains, and skies. In the mountainous and northern reaches, clothing is quite often furs and other warm things. In the warmer climes, cotton and other fabrics are more often used.

Background: Tavricans are amiable and enjoy laughter. At nights, they often gather in a public meeting place, usually a pub or something of the sort, and eat, drink, and tell jokes until the small hours of the morning. They enjoy festivals and will sometimes come up with excuses to have a feast, simply for the time to spend with friends.

As wild game is a large staple of the Tavrican diet, poachers and trespassers are dealt with harshly. Serious discussions are mainly over farming, hunting, herding, and various other country matters.

The Noble Houses of Tavrica

Nobele Huisen des Hertoghdoms Tavrica's (= Noble Houses of the Tavrican Duchies)

(By the way, post your own house here, maybe we can use them for our NPCs)

A History by scríbhneoir díucí Alphreth Ahnertilon

House Tanear - Dukes of the Schwarzwald

History: House Tanear, which derives its lineage from a poor farmer's son named Tane who became a national hero much to his own disliking, and was forced to war, also bearing the blood of the Lycian House Caelin's Nomadic Branch, is a house renowned for its role in politics and diplomacy. It has delivered the dukes of the Schwarzwald for ages, and has known quite a lot of Kanzlers in their ranks.

Renowned members:

  • Tane Tanear - Founder, national hero
  • Theodore Tanear - First High Ambassador, reputedly killed by Archduke Aester Saenry
  • Horatio Tanear - Famous fleet Admiral
  • Agatha Tanear Mafaxiarcha - Mafaxiarch of the Conclave Sapphire Mafax
  • Maryna Tanear - Air Force Commander, High Ambassador
  • Lyddia Tanear - Countess/Air force Sub-Commander

Head Lineage:

  • Tane Tanear x Lynia Tanear-Caelin
  • Anne Tanear, daughter of Tane x Marinus Ahnertilon
  • Theodore Tanear x Gabriel Tanear + Horatio Tanear x Marya Tanear
  • Lyddia Tanear, Daughter of Theodore + Maryna Tanear, Daughter of Theodore (x Xanthus Ruroki? tongue.gif)


House Tanear's Heraldry consists of a tree and the Tavrican Gryphon soaring above it on a field of blue and green.


House Tanear is renowned for its sky cavalry Commanders and for its inventive diplomats and politicians.




D Ranked Longsword Basket-Hilt Perfect Balance Thin Blade

Rapiers are favored by the nobles of Tavrica as a quick, deadly weapon, perfect for duels. With only a short edge on the blade, usually running from the center to the tip, rapiers are almost worthless for slashing. Instead, the real strength in a rapier comes from its thrusting ability. Its long, narrow blade allows for excellent piercing abilities, and can also be used to quickly deflect a blow, albeit from a light weapon, as the thin blades can't stand up to an attack from an axe or a heavy sword.


C Ranked Greatsword Broadsword Double Fuller Reverse

Just under six feet in length, the average Claymore weighs a little over five pounds. It is commonly found in farmhouses along the borders, where the farmers can expect fairly common attacks from bandits. Saxens are unique among swords as they have a slanted cross-hilt, instead of the usually straight ones. These cross-hilts are useful for catching other blades in a block, and for directing the opponents attack. Its also particularly useful for smashing pikes and the like.


B Ranked Greatsword Broadsword Flamberge Ricasso Reversing Steel

Bidenhaenders, also known as zweihaenders, are large, heavy swords that are most effectively used in a downward hacking motion. The long blades are generally worthless for slashing, instead being used to break the lances and shatter the bones of enemies. Mostly used by anti-cavalry units, only a few actual infantry carry these large weapons.



D Ranked Throwing Ax Hurlbat

A Whirlbat is made entirely out of metal. They are only used for throwing purposes, as actually swinging the blade poses a small bit of risk to the user as well as his opponent, because every surface of the blade that isn't used as a handle is covered with some sort of edge or spike, practically guaranteeing a hit against the target.

Lochaber Ax

C Ranked Battle Ax Backspike Bearded Polearm Steel

A Lochaber Ax has a small hook on the back, similar to that of a shepherd's crook, though smaller. In combat, the hook is used to pull cavalrymen off their horses. Once the riders are on the ground, or against opposed infantry, the spike on the blade would be used to stab the enemies. Along with the hook and the spike, the edge of the ax could also use to make hacking motions, though these were generally clumsy. The hook also serves a dual purpose, helping men scale low walls. The lochaber ax was adapted from a similar looking farming tool.

Crow's Beak

C Ranked Mace Polearm Backspike Beard Armorslayer

A Crow's Beak ax consists of a small hammerhead balancing out a short, curved spike on opposite sides of the ax head, mounted on a long pole. The main use in combat is to embed the spike in enemy armor and with a quick jerk, tear it off. It can also be used to batter armored units, weakening the metal and thus making it easier to spike it off.


Boar Spear

E Ranked Spear Guard

Boar Spears are a favorite spear of hunters. With two small lugs at the bottom of the head, it doesn't pierce beyond the tip, allowing for the wielder to pull it out faster in order to attack something else and also making it less likely to snap off. These spears are used in hunting, the lugs acting as a barrier to keep the prey (usually a boar) from working its way up the haft towards the hunter.

Gared D Ranked Lance Dual-Tipped Thin Tipped

Gareds are six-feet long lances used by common infantry. They are mainly used for thrusting, having no aerodynamics whatsoever and thus are useless for throwing. They have two long, narrow tips.

Caineh C Ranked Javelin Langets Thin-Tipped Enchanted (Igniting Fire Anima Spell)

Cainehs consist of long, hollow, pointed iron rods with a short wooden handle and a small weighted block at the end. They are designed to pierce, with the tip being very narrow and the weight adding more impact, thus increasing piercing depth. They are packed with flammable materials that ignite on impact, causing a small explosion. They are often used against siege engines and the like, and also have a psychological effect, spreading fear among the enemy.


B Ranked Lance Thin-Tipped Guard Langets Steel

Gerals are long, sometimes in excess of 10 feet, and are heavy enough to make actual combat with them inefficient, and marching with them a pain. They have long, thin tips with guards about halfway down, and a heavy weighted foot at the bottom that is planted in the ground to ward off charging enemies. They can be split into segments for when the users are on the go. Most useful in a tight group of soldiers, about four or five rows consisting of a few men are generally enough to stop a moderately sized charge.



D Ranked Crossbow Composite Tight String Horseslayer

Belly-bows are powerful form of a crossbow that is generally used by anti-cavalry units. It consists of a concave-shaped butt with a long stock ending in the curve of the bow part. Once the bolt has been fired, the concave butt is placed against the stomach, freeing both hands to pull back the string, allowing for quicker reloads and more powerful shots.


C Ranked Crossbow Recurve Tight Bowstring Composite

A Ailisballista is an enormous bow, not quite large enough to be an actual ballista, yet still very heavy and hard to carry long distances. Usually stationary, they are occasionally taken into battle. They have enormous power, but are slow to load, and are generally kept at the back of formations.

Longbow B Ranked Longbow Composite Recurve Tight Bowstring Armorslayer

The typical bow used by a typical hunter, longbows are also the sort used by archers in the very back of the formations. With the longest range of any known bow, they also pack a humongous punch once fired. Ideally, they are mostly made of yew, though they can also be made of less sturdy wood. Longbows are also commonly used in archery contests at Tavrican festivals.


B Ranked Crossbow Repeating Recurve Tight Bowstring

An Artan is a useful tool for any archer. Large, heavy, and extremely powerful, it also has accuracy, and, with the repeating bolt clip, can fire extremely fast. An inexperienced archer using an Artan can kill even the strongest and most experienced knights in one shot, although Artans are only issued to the elite archers, as they are too valuable to trust in the hands of those less likely to hit the target.

Feudal System and Titles

The Tavrican Feudal System places the Archduke as Liege Lord, the High Dukes of the Western and Eastern Marches as his direct Tenants-in-Chief and Seconds-in-command, and under them Dukes for each march, each with their respective tenants. The ranks are as follows:


Current Archduke: Cayel Reldin
Formal Title: His Highness the Archduke of the Tavrican Dukedoms
Formal Mode of Adress: Your Highness
Full Titles held: By the will of the nation, Archduke and Liege Lord of all Tavrican Dukedoms
Liege Lord to: the High Dukes of the Western and Eastern Marches
Description of Powers: The Archduke is the Liege Lord of all Tavrica and every lord in the land, be they High Duke or Knight, holds fealty to him. He may rule on his own, federate the military and overrule decisions made by any liege man in the realm.
Mode of Succession: Election by the Noble Assembly

High Duke

Current High Dukes: Maryna Tanear and Xanthus Ruroki
Formal Title: His/Her Grace the High Duke/Duchess of the Eastern Marches of Feuerstadt, Dangria and Hohenberge or His/Her Grace the High Duke/Duchess of the Western Marches of Dainor, Schlossburg and the Schwarzwald.
Formal Mode of Adress: Your Grace
Full Titles held: By the grace of Archduke Cayel Reldin, High Duke/Duchess and Liege Lord/Lady of the Western/Eastern Marches of [march], [march] and [march]
Liege Man to: the Archduke of the Tavrican Dukedoms
Liege Lord to: Dukes of one of their Marches
Names of Domains: the Western Marches (Dainor, the Schwarzwald and Schlossburg) and the Eastern Marches (Dangria, Feuerstadt and Hohenberge)
Description of Powers: The High Dukes are the Archduke's secundants in rule. If the Archduke is indisposed or away, the High Dukes rule together in his stead, often counselled by either the High Council or the Noble Assembly. Every Lord in the Western or Eastern Marches owes fealty to his or her High Duke, and the High Dukes have the power to rule these Marches in the name of the Archduke as they wish subject to the Archduke's veto. They may also call their banners, which means they can assemble a warhost if their marches are at stake.
Mode of Succession: Appointment by the Archduke


Current Dukes: Lyddia Tanear, Fergal Bowen, Aowyn Andraste, Martyn Reldin (NPC), Duke Ruroki (NPC)
Formal Title: His Lordship/Her Ladyship the Duke/Duchess of [march]
Formal Mode of Adress: Your Lordship or Milord
Full Titles held: By the right of birth, Duke/Duchess of March of [march]
Liege Man to: the High Duke of the Western/Eastern Marches
Liege Lord to: Lords within their domains
Names of Domains: Dainor, the Schwarzwald, Schlossburg, Feuerstadt, Dangria, Hohenberge
Description of Powers: A Duchy is a High Rank in Nobility, and a Duke is the Lord of his March, which he can rule domestically (all foreign affairs must be cleared by his liege, as well as going to war). In war, a Duke can muster his troops with a warrant from his liege and defend his lands. A Duke sits on the Feudal Council of his High Duke.
Mode of Succession: By birthright


Formal Title: the Count/Countess of [domain], the Lord/Lady of [domain], the Earl of [domain]
Formal Mode of Adress: Lord or Lady
Full Titles held: By the right of birth, Lord of [domain]
Liege Man to: their Duke
Liege Lord to: Knights sworn to their banner
Description of Powers: A Lord is lower nobility, ruling a piece of land on small scale and passing justice.
Mode of Succession: By birthright or Higher Noble Appointment


Formal Mode of Adress: Sir or Lady
Full Titles held: Sir or Lady
Liege Man to: their sworn Liege Lord
Description of Powers: A Knight is the lowest rank of the nobility, a sword sworn to the banner of a higher nobleman. In reward for service, some rule pieces of land, and some are raised to the Lordship over a territory.

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