Alroy Urquhart

From Storing Don



[edit] Vital Statistics

  • Nation: Tavrica
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 122lbs

[edit] Appearance


With laddish facial features belying his true age, Alroy can often be underestimated. However, the large quiver and weapons attached to his back show that he can mean business when he wants to. As suits his style of combat, Alroy is fairly pleased that he is often underestimated, as it can give him a certain element of surprise. You could say that his tough leather armour give this away a little though; it is quite heavy compared to that which is usually worn by Tavricans, especially those who specialise in archery. Beneath it, he wears a deep red jerkin, a colour similar to that of his hair. The material is soft and prevents any abrasion between the archer's skin and the toughened leather. For a boy of Maris, his hair is fairly long: in Tavrica though, it falls to around the average length found amongst lads. His hair is a distinctive red colour, commonly found in the Endali borderlands. He keeps it back with a simple strip of purple cloth, fashioned into a headband.

OsyFk7 Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles.

[edit] Combat Statistics

Archer (#15)

Weapon Levels: Bows - C

[edit] Weapons

[edit] Bows

  • Vannin: Crossbow - Steel (+1) Repeater (+2), Composite (+1) - C

[edit] Bolts

  • Lethal Bolts: Mithril (+2), Killer (+2) - C
  • Wind Bolts: Enchanted (+3: Anima Wind - Impact) - C
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