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Aliases Nam, NamMoon, Nammigans, NamelessMoonshine
Color Purple
Totem Zombie
Alignment Artist/Author
Birthdate May 21, 1988
Gender Female
Race/Ethnicity African American/Caucasian
Height Kinda Short
Weight Chubby
Chess Piece Pawn
Weapon(s) Giant Hypodermic Needle
Abilties Rengeration, Shrinking, Melting, Alcohol-Vision
Family Remzi (sister), Snausage (brother-in-law)
Associates Jester, Soup, Stitches
Story Reality, The BlockHouse
Status Undead

Nammish (aka Nam) is the unofficial (as of yet) artistic(ally challenged) persona onboard SPFI; one of them anyway. Her talents include sketching, digital art, conforming to several different styles of art, sucking almightily at HTML and other computer oriented effects, and having sudden, severe allergic attacks to absolutely nothing at all. She is also incredibly skilled in the general kitchen area, going so far as to manage to actually burn water, a feat previously thought completely impossble for the common civillian stove.

With an online alias taking the form of the healing, living undead, Nam also represents the BlockHouse household's less-than-listened-to administrative tenant, usually trying to keep everyone else from doing stupid things, then more-often-than-not accidentally doing them herself with catastrophic results. However, because she is, as she puts it, a 'regenerative zombie' containing 'moldy green jello' as a replacement for brains and several household appliances instead of organs, she is usually left unharmed by all antics of the house, and makes for periodic target practice for all residents.

Nam has a tendency to suddenly go through periods in which she appears to 'short-circuit' and her entire previous conversations/actions are forgotten. During this time her personality will undergo a drastic change from overly hyper and amiable to a more mechanical, stereotypical-robotic manner. Until she has an special program run, known as an 'Authoress Recovery' file, she remains in this manner; if the program is ran, she will undergo a spastic transformation which includes shouting random phrases and a screeching siren which sounds much like nails on a chalkboard mixed with every other annoying sound imaginable. Then she will ask if anyone would like fries.

Say no. Trust us on this. Always say no to the fries.

Nam is a dedicated fan of: Sonic the Hedgehog, Jak and Daxter, Silent Hill, Halo, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go (I'm dead serious), Lord of The Rings, 300, SWAT Kats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Darkwing Duck, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and many others.


As A Character

Image on the way

The character Nam is, as stated, a member of the classification of undead beings most commonly refered to as zombies. She is a person with a strangely gooey and large moral center, is very compassionate, but lacks the common sense to be useful in any discovered way, besides acting in as a coat rack. Despite the expected decomposition which is usual for those in her state, Nam has managed to keep herself relatively intact thanks to the sewing capabilities of Rem and a strange pact she made shortly after her death with two parasitic creatures known only as the PoeBrain and Brain Leech.

As far as anyone can guess, these creatures allow the deceased authoress to continue functioning in a relatively lifelike manner as long as she adheres to terms which become specified as Nam's cohorting with them develops. PoeBrain is the supposed member of the symbiotic relationship which allows Nam to retain a semeblance of her original personality in return for her providing a vessel for its morbid form of creativity, while the Brain Leech enables movement of a decomposing corpse while demanding the odd sudden brain eating wave as its payment. Why exactly Nammish was chosen to receive this particular bargain, and why she accepted as she is seemingly getting the worst end of the deal, is still a mystery, but it may have something to do with the fact that Nam is possibly the one being living--or rather not-living--who is gullible enough to say yes to these demands.

Her greatest casaulty in becoming a zombie has been her eyes, which fell out on the first day. She has since gained several extra pairs which where mostly ordered online, including a pair of supposedly magical eyes she bartered a turkey sandwich for. Said eyes proved their talents to be less than special, as their power was to see any hidden alcohol within a ten yard radius--even if said liquor is inside a person's stomach. Needless to say she was less than pleased.

Other Personalities

Nammish has a secondary, underlying persona known to others as Hamiko; an angram of two names long lost in between the many failings of Nammish (which just so happen to be 'Hammy' from the movie/comic Over the Hedge and Hachiko, a nickname from the manga/anime Nana). Hamiko is wild, unmanageable, angry, and sadistic; these traits often surface in Nam as a result of Hamiko's constant effort to escape her subconscious. Hamiko is the surpressed violent tendencies of Nam which never managed to surface before her creation, a creation which is shrouded in the mists of bad memory. Or memory repression. Either is an option where Hamiko is involved.

It is believed that Nam may have more surpressed personalities, as Hamiko has before mentioned that she is only one of many; the highest number given is twenty-one, which is believed to include both Hamiko and Nammish. Incidentally, that also is the most used number of consonants in the English alphabet. Other appearing personalities are: Pamela, Vamila, and Miss Jam N'Jelly.

The Creation of Nammish

The creation of the name 'Nammish' began with the original online name 'NamelessMoonlight' which Nam used for an online, chatroom-based roleplay on the MSN homepage; this particular roleplay was based on wolves and is currently no longer active. After feeling 'moonlight' was too common sounding a word, Nam edited the name into NamelessMoonshine, a title which fell by the wayside after the roleplay ceased to be six months or so later.

After discovering the show Yugi-Oh! on Saturday morning television, both Nam and her sister Rem created a parody/self-insertion fiction of themselves wreaking utter pandemonium upon the cast members of the show for their personal humor. Out of curiousity, they became more involved with stories written about pre-published material and created accounts on the well-known FanFiction.Net in order to test their own writing skills. Needless to say the first few years were sketchy. As she worked on the site, her name became slightly better known. The name she used? NamelessMoonshine.

After a few years, Nam began to converse with other authors from the genres and categories of writing that she dabbled in, and made several friends among them, to whom she was known as NM, an anagram of her alias. Two of them, Az the Dragon ([1], [2]) and Chaos Flower ([3], [4]) began calling her 'Nam' at an unrecorded time. 'Nam' evolved into several versions including NamMoon, Nammigans, and the title she uses here: Nammish.

Role In SPFI

As stated previously, Nammish is an artist, and provides a large amount of art for the use of the SPFI crew, including website art. She is also a co-author with Jester and Mrs. Remzicole on certain projects, and may begin a project with Sazuka in the future if their schedules allow. She is the creator of several characters used in the Last Stop To Nowhere, the most notable being: Peres of Land in a Lullaby, Vivi and Marigold of Haunted, and Seraphine of Sisters, The Epic. She is also the co-creator of the fan-made fictional pieces known as .hack//sonic, The Proletariat and The Bourgeois and A Tomkat's Visit To Silent Hill. Mostly, though, she's the art slave.

Previous Roles and Works

List: Nam's Current Projects

Nammish has held accounts at several different sites, under many different names. Her writing and artistic record currently hold strongest at [5] and her joint account at [6], though she also holds a few written works at [7]* and a small number of art there, as she is an amused fan of that pairing.

* The given link does not go directly to the mentioned account due to the site possessing mature content.


Nammish can be contacted at 'GrunjMunkeez @' in regards to information about her stories and/or work. Remove the spaces and please do not spam this address.

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