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Full Name: Mumajhade
Age: Indeterminable
Gender: Neither
Species: Spider Demon
Human Anchor: Artemis Blitzer
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Likes: Let me see...I suppose I like being on this plane of's not all bad. I rather like the food. Anyway...I suppose I enjoy Arty's company.
Dislikes: I can't say I like the idea of being mortal now. I'm almost little more than a glorified bodyguard. Or babysitter. What sort of job is this for a high rank spider demon?
Physical Attributes
Appearance: I'm completely white in demon form, with I suppose what you humans would refer to as an insect like body. I'm a spider demon, but my breed only has six legs. Instead of another set of legs, we have an extra pair of arms. I had a crested, bone-like material covering my head from the forehead to the nape, like a helmet almost...Eight eyes, two of which are positioned as normal eyes. One which is significantly larger and set between them. Two much smaller ones on either side of that. Two on my chest. And one very large eye where my stomach would be. In my human form I have pale skin and white hair; my eyes remain red, but a somwhat darker shade, so they are less threatening. I wear a thick green sweater to hide my eyes, since they somewhat glow, as all demons' do. And small black shorts. Usually for shoes I pick simple footwear that slips on and off easily.
Weaknesses: Let me see....I'm vurnerable to any form of magic meant to attack or target demons...I suppose Artemis would be a weakpoint, though he can fend for himself under most circumstances. Ah yes, and pesticides. They make me quite ill.
Strengths: I'd say I'm a decent mix of stealth and power, unlike the ghost and werewolf, who are more focused in either division. And capturing criminals or demons alive is relatively easy for me.
My abilities are mostly physical. I'm faster than most humans, and I can climb on any surface, regardless of tilt or texture...I can't spin full webs, but I can create dirt cuccoons to house prey, or captives, in. I can also revert from my natural demon form to a more...decidedly humanoid shape. I cannot however actually recover any of my eyes for this transformation.
Before the Institute
Previous Life: Not a lot to tell, I suppose. I'm a Reaper class demon, which means I'm usually summoned to catch someone, remove their soul, and return said soul to my summoner. Then their body is usually altered into a minion like state, and they become slaves. A slave to get more slaves. I was created for a war between Ethiopia and Egypt, so I did a lot of work then. Then I get banished and no one really bothered me, save the odd job. Then one day, I suddenly end up in a summoning circle and I'm mortally bound to Artemis until death do us part.
Interactions and Relationships
Personal Feelings Toward Teammates: Liam - Well, Liam seems to be having a lot of trouble adjusting to his new role of living with the supernatural. He probably had a pretty tame life before this. He doesn't seem like the type to get mixed up with a ghost, especially one as...willful as Vivi. But given the circumstances. Arty - I suppose he's alright, for a mortal. Half mortal anyway. Though it gets incredibly annoying when he loses his nerves over creature barely the size of his little finger. He needs to tap into his powers more. Embrace his demonic self. He's too weak as a mortal. He's had so much prejudice built into him, that he can't distinguish the individual from the group. Whisper - Other than Keil's colorful remarks? I don't know a great amount. From the sound of it, Whisper shall be another contestant in the shouting matches Keil and Vivi routinely hold however.Vivi - I think she's too forceful. Her approach on the world seems to be that if she doesn't scream herself hoarse, no one will acknowledge she's there. She tries too hard to make sure people remember she exists. .....A ghost and a werewolf? How......unconventional. She's quite arrogant regards to her personal beauty. In my experience on Earth, albiet seldom, women seem to be the more sensitive ones where misunderstandings and misfortunes occur. A kindred spirit might help Vivi settle herself a little more. Keil - No worse than a demon. He needs to stop complaining about how no one views him as human anymore. He and Vivi both. They have too much in common. That's why they fight so much. They fight because they're so much alike. They can't admit to themselves that they're both experiencing similar scenarios, so they fight over who has it worse. They need sympathy is the problem, I think. So they're angry because the other isn't giving them any. And because they fight so much, no one else gives them any. Thus, a vicious cycle of anger. It surprises me that no one else notices. Then again, I'm used to working with losts souls. Bottom Line: To sever my tie to the mortal plane.