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Revision as of 00:27, 20 March 2006 by Smithy (Talk | contribs)

Hagurumon, obsessed with his favorite Flash series, puts himself and his friends inside Bonus Stage,. Meanwhile, Smithy finds his way to Jeopardy!

Cast (in order of appearance): Hagurumon, Jessica, Smithy, Cassidy, Craig

Places: Nick's Real-World Room, Charismaville



{Open to Hagurumon in front of his computer.}

HAGURUMON: My invention's finally complete! All I need to do is press this "enter" key, and the adventure starts.

{Hagurumon presses the "enter" key. The screen flashes white, and Hagurumon vanishes into the computer monitor. He then reappears in Charismaville next to Jessica.}

HAGURUMON: Holy crap! You're here!

JESSICA: Yes, I am. And you are... also here.

HAGURUMON: Yeah, but I mean... you left... and now you're back!

{Smithy appears.}

HAGURUMON: Cool, my invention worked again!

SMITHY: What the heck?!

HAGURUMON: Um, we're in Bonus Stage now. Also, tacos are bad for you.

SMITHY: I uh, never really liked tacos.

CASSIDY: Hey! We're back in Charismaville! It's good to be back.

HAGURUMON: Your mom is back.

JESSICA: Oh, snap!

HAGURUMON: Let's go out.


SMITHY: Hahahaha, Hagurumon dumped Jessica one time and now they're back together.

{Craig pops up out of nowhere.}

CRAIG: I'm... in this episode... for some reason...

HAGURUMON: Hey, Craig.

CRAIG: Hey. I'm gonna... do... stuff... now. Bye. {leaves}

CASSIDY: Okay, I just lost my train of thought.

SMITHY: Yeah, well, I lost my... brain.

HAGURUMON: And... I lost my pants.

{Smithy leaves and crosses the middle of the street and a truck crashes into a fire hydrant and it blows up on Hagurumon}

CASSIDY: Hahaha, wet.

{cut to Jeopardy with Ken Jennings in first with $10,000 and Smithy in second with $6700 and some girl in last with -$5000}

ALEX TREBEK: Ok, Smithy your pick since you got the last question right.

SMITHY: Ok, I'll take SKFF Characters for 2,000 please.

ALEX TREBEK: Ok, which character's name starts with an S and ends with an Y?

{Smithy buzzes in}


SMITHY: Uh, I dunno Alex, let's think about this, Smithy?

ALEX TREBEK: That's right, now you have $8700. We'll be back after a commercial.

SMITHY: Boo Commercials!

{after the commercials, it cuts back to Final Jeopardy}

ALEX TREBEK: We're back with Final Jeopardy, the final question is: Who is the creator of SKFF?

{The music plays, and and everybody writes down answers. Smithy sticks his tongue out at the camera.

ALEX TREBEK: Girl in last place, what's your answer.

{It reveals "Your mom"}

ALEX TREBEK: Uhh, I think I'll just call the cops on you. Smithy, how about you?

{It reveals "Hagurumon.}

ALEX TREBEK: That's right. You wagered it all.Your left with $17,400. Ken, you put Hagurumon aswell. Your right as well, and you wagered, $7,401. You beat Smithy by $1.

SMITHY: How did you know that?

KEN JENNINGS: I'm a big fan of SKFF.


KEN JENNINGS: I memorized every old episode!

SMITHY: Intresting. {walks away}

{cut to Hagurumon, Smithy, Cassidy and Jessica.}

CASSIDY: Did you win?

SMITHY: No, he beat me by a dollar

HAGURUMON: Who ever knew he loved SKFF?

{Craig pops up again}

CRAIG: I...did...

CASSIDY: You did?

CRAIG: No[[.|.]]

Some Kinda Fanfic Chapters

Retarduction | Escape from the other place | Bad Luck

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