Escape from the other place

From Some Kinda Fanfic Wiki

SKFF Chapter #2
Prev Chapter: Retarduction Next Chapter: Bad Luck

The gang must escape from the sun...ouch

Cast:(in order of appearance) Hagurumon, Joel, Cassidy, Smithy, Craig, Markie, Burnbox, Phil, Mr. Malice.

Places: The Sun, Charismaville

Date: 4/22/06

[edit] Transcript

{Cut to everyone on the sun)

HAGURUMON: If I knew we were gonna be on the sun, I would have been prepared. You know...with like..a beach chair...sunscreen..

JOEL: How'd we get here anyway?

CASSIDY: Painful repressed memories?

JOEL: Naw, that was grade school. That's when you were butch.

{Punches Joel and goes flying into Smithy.}

SMITHY: What's going on?

JOEL: I called Cassidy butch.

SMITHY: {angry} You...what?

JOEL: Nothing...

SMITHY: That's what I thought.

CRAIG: I'{we then see his arm on fire}

JOEL: No seriously, how'd we get here?

{Craig's right arm is caught fire, then his hair as they talk}

HAGURUMON: Well, I remember Blakken white coming out of nowhere, then we ended up here.

MARKIE: We should find a way off.

CASSIDY: We don't have the E-Ship or anything, how are we going to get off?

SMITHY: I'd call for help, but my cellphone burned.

BURNBOX: So..what are we going to do?

PHIL: With a little tinkering..

BURNBOX: We don't have anything to fix.

PHIL: No, I had to pee.

JOEL: Hahaha.

PHIL: What? Ow, Ow OW!! [phil starts running around screaming for help}

MR. MALICE: {New Orleans Funk theme} Maybe, we can jump out into space.

HAGURUMON: And suffocate? I think not.

SMITHY: What's wrong with that? I did it once.

{Cut to smithy jumping off the E-ship}

SMITHY: Weeee! AHH! {blows up}

{Cut back to the gang on the sun.}

CASSIDY: Did that even happen?

SMITHY: Nope, I made it up.

PHIL: Look! A Space ship!

JOEL: Help! Phil's telling us to look at you!

MARKIE: We need to find a way on.

CASSIDY: How? I don't think it's going to the sun.

MR. MALICE: I can levitate people, but only one person at a time.

{everyone gets in line. Smithy cuts Phil. Mr. Malice picks up Smithy and levitates him to the ship}

SMITHY: {on the ship} I'll be go-o-o-od!

{Joel and Hagurumon cut Phil. Mr. Malice picks up Joel and throws him on the ship.}

JOEL: {getting fainter} Going on a super adventure!!

{Hagurumon is picked up by Mr. Malice and thrown on the ship}

HAGURUMON: Tell Jessica I love her!!

{Mr. Malice skips Phil and picks up Cassidy and throws her on the ship. Craig now is just a head, which Mr. Malice picks up throws on the ship. Everyone then falls down.}

MR. MALICE: Strike!

PHIL: Do me! Do me!

{Burnbox and Markie cut Phil. Mr. Malice picks up Markie and throws him, he then picks up Burnbox and throws him in the ship. Mr. Malice then flies himself.}

PHIL: You forgot me! {Jumps on Mr. Malice.}

MR. MALICE: too heavy..

{Mr. Malice and Phil fall to the ground. The ship is flying farther away. So, Mr. Malice picks up Phil and throws him on the ship. Mr. Malice then flies to the ship.}

CASSIDY: That was fun..

MARKIE: Atleast we're all on.

BURNBOX: Yeah, thanks Mr. Malice.

JOEL: Craig, are you all right?

CRAIG: Yeah...if you like...being...a...head...

MR.MALICE: Guys, you know what? I just found out I could pick you all up at the same time..funny huh?

PHIL: What?! Ah, screw you.

HAGURUMON: Uhh, yeah. Phil, your legs are on fire.

PHIL: How come you guys aren't on fire?!

SMITHY & HAGURUMON: We're awesome.

{They land on Earth, and the ship flyer walks out, and it's brad. He then runs home.}}

JOEL: Well guys..I'm up for a rousing game of..KICK BALL!

CASSIDY: We don't have a kickball.

JOEL: Oh, don't we? {kicks Craig and it shatters the screen.}

{End credits}

'HAGURUMON: Good job, you broke the screen.

CRAIG: I should be back to normal by episode 4....

Some Kinda Fanfic Chapters

Retarduction | Escape from the other place | Bad Luck

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