Jason Steffke

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Jason Steffke
Physical Stats
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blue
Age (first apperance) 21
Combat Information
Character class Psion
Elemental innate Fire
Favored weapon PSI Rod
Game Information
First game apperance Control of Destiny 1
Other apperances CoD2, JDO, JLH, CoD3
Born in Automatica
National Alliegance Flying Islands of Jasonia
Position/job President of the FIoJ

Jason Steffke is one of the main characters of the Control of Destiny Series and is the President of the Flying Islands of Jasonia for many years.


Character Information and Background

Jason was born in Automatica during a period of cold war between Automatica and Audentior. His family owned an orphanage for the many children orphaned during those tense years. Tragically, during Jason's young life, the orphanage was attacked and burned down. Both Jason's parents were killed in the fire and Jason, ironically orphaned himself, set out on his own.

After a rich uncle helped him get back on his feet, Jason worked in Airosamente at a stock exchange and majored in aerospace at a local college. After some time Jason became aware that he could use psionics and began to practice his mental abilities on unsuspecting city denizens. These powers lead Jason to discover that the Audentior government had discovered an ancient concept box. Jason manipulated the concept box into his own possession and, at age 15, became the single person in the world that could understand antigravity.

With the help of some scientists and engineers that would later design the Epoch-class and found JASO, along with Duke Gman Pinky of Pinkaria, Jason installed a number of antigravity generators in Pinkaria and levitated them into the sky, forming the Flying Islands of Jasonia. He would later become the President of this fledgling country.

Jasonia was a home of hopes and dreams. When Jason's friend Bill Trihus told him that his brother, Matt Trihus, had invented a time machine, Jason, Bill, and Matt began what would become the first Control of Destiny Campagin and took their first steps on a massive quest that would reshape the entire destiny of the universe.

Personality and Skills

Despite the steadfast belief of the Flying Islands that the impossible is achievable with enough time and effort, Jason manages to remain rather down-to-earth when it comes to actual action. His combination of caution in dangerous situations and strength to act when it is necessary makes him a natural of the Control of Destiny Team's leader. Jason enjoys a long night's sleep and a warm climate. On the road he rarely gets either and often complains bitterly.

Jason is an untrained Empath - someone who can manipulate the Empathi Field directly to reshape the local laws of the universe. In short, Jason can use his powers to make the attacks of his allies stronger and the defenses of his foes weaker. He can also siphon the empathi energy out of his enemies and take it upon himself to use in his attacks or aid an ally. His also has a strong grip on fire magic and is prone to laughing manically while dropping fire on a group of enemies from the sky. To help him concentrate on these mysterious powers Jason uses a PSI Rod, a wand with a magically treated crystal that amplifies his psionic energy. The PSI Rod itself is fragile and should never be used as an actual melee weapon; Jason relies on his mental prowess and his allies protection to stay alive.

Because he is the leader of the CoD team, Jason often leads the charge into combat. However Jason is particular about which battles to fight. He rarely begins a fight in a poor position unless forced and has no qualms with calling a retreat if things look dire. On the other hand, when he has the upper hand, he is a merciless commander and takes full advantage of his mental abilities to keep the odds in his favor.

Control of Destiny Series History

Jason in Control of Destiny 1

Jason became the de-facto leader of the team's journey through time early on. Though the group discussed the situation and Jason took their advice seriously, ultimately it was he that decided what the CoD team would do and when. Even in the worst of times the party looked to Jason for advice and guidance. Jason got along very well with Bill but often argued with Amy Leonarkos, who also fancied herself as someone who could lead the group.

Jason in Control of Destiny 2

The Control of Destiny team again insisted that Jason lead the group in their expedition to multiple worlds. Jason began to feel the heavy burden of so many lives hanging on his good judgment. Erika Lekuan quickly latched on to Jason and Jason felt himself slowly falling in love with the girl. Jason had a rough start with Sai'Kar Lum'Eth but eventually began to respect, if not entirely like, the Micron. Jason awakened as the Fate of Fire that held command of the Ruby Sphere and with the rest of the fates repaired the Elemenal Seal Jason and Erika were married at the end of the campaign.

Jason in Jasonia: The Dark One

Jason joined Bill and Assassinite's quest to enter the City of the Sun and destroy Pure Evil as a supporter rather then the team's leader. However when the evil proved too strong for Bill and corrupted him into a dictator, Jason once again had to lead the campaign for freedom. Jason worked closely with Erik Light and Funky Wombat on many important missions. In the final showdown, Jason and Bill formed an avatar of Pure Good to smite Pure Evil forever.

Jason in Jasonia: The Light of Hope

Jason lead one of the few resistance factions still openly fighting against the Infernals from a base in Audentior. However when Bill and Scott Siskind met up with him he realized the time was right to make his big move. Jason followed Bill's lead in their quest to combat the Infernals. At the Battle of Fort Audentior, Jason personally commanded the FIoJ Fist in its battle with the battlecruser Revengence.

Jason in Control of Destiny 3

After many years of serving as President, Jason retired and the young Anne Leos took his position. Jason worked closely with Anne, teaching her both Jasonian politics and empathi abilities. Jason tried to retire from active with his wife Erika, but a disaterious war with Shireroth forced him into the fight once again. Jason traveled with the rest of his group to the Existance Core and participated in its defense against Diga's forces. In order to keep Diga himself out of the Core, Jason blindly attacked him until Diga's portal could be shut. His bravery likely saved the plan to save the universe, however Diga used Fate's corrupted powers to annhialte Jason once and for all.

Other Fun Facts


  • Jason's character changed very little since the game was originally created. Even his clothing has remained largely the same from the old RPGMaker95+ days.
  • Jason's ancestors were lords in the nation of Audentior before his grandparents grew so sickened with politics that they swore off noble life and started an orphanage for the less fortunate.
  • Jason's ancestors used the password A-U-R-O-R-A for everything. Jason himself never used this for anything important.
  • Jason's home was burned by a servant of Atropos under direct order of Fate in an attempt to kill Jason before he became important in the universe. However the Ruby Sphere was already protecting him and Jason survived the attempt.

Notable Equipment

Jason's most powerful PSI Rod is the Oracle, an ancient weapon from the Micron Empire that ofers unparalled sight into the past, present, and future.

Jason is known to wear a bandana "for luck" though its actually to keep his slightly long hair out of his eyes.


"My intuition has lead Jasonia this far. I feel this is something I have to do. I’m going." (Control of Destiny 1)

"I never really put too much into destiny. I prefer to control my own life." (Control of Destiny 2)

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