From Slinkiwiki
"Furries are the opiate of the massless."
- Oscar Wilde on Furries
Simply put, furries are what you get when you put animal features on a human body. They're a rather intrinsic portion of most of the worldsets featured here; sometimes they are explained, sometimes they are hand-waved, usually they are just an artifact of the internet giving people outlets for their weirdness.
Rest assured that furries that are related to anything here are not the kind that follow up "I'm a furry" with "And as proof, here's my collection of Pokémon Porn." No, the furries here actually have things to do with animals that CAN be mentioned in polite company. If Krine has anything to say about it, what animal they are is directly related to aspects of their personality.
In short, while there may be animal people, they will not be on the wrong end of the Ridiculous scale.
(Please note that this definition of furry extends to and includes anthropomorphic birds and lizards, but not Dragons. Dragons are something else entirely.)