Island History

From Sinanju


Week One

Day 1 (22 September)

  • Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 departs from Sydney for Los Angeles. It never arrives.
  • Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 makes an unannounced arrival on the island.
  • Daniel Jackson & two Marines from SG-23 step through the stargate to find themselves on the island--not at all where they expected to be--with no stargate. They witness the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 and immediately run to the aid of the survivors.
  • Vala Mal Doran tries to steal an alien artifact on a distant world...and finds herself on the island.
  • Ellen Ripley finds herself on the island (and back in the 21st century) by means unknown. She also comes to the rescue of the survivors, diving into the water to rescue drowning passengers, Veronica Mars among them.
  • Ami Jackson suffers a serious head injury in the crash. Her traveling companion and mentor, Clara, is killed. Clarice Starling helps Ami out of the wreckage with the assistance of George Lass. Scott Hayden secretly heals Ami with the aid of the small metal sphere he carries with him. In the process, they unknowingly forge a mental link.
  • Jon Murphy and Claire Littleton end up in the water. Jon rescues Claire, exhausting himself in the process. Claire goes through a false labor scare, overseen by Doctor Gregory House.
  • Shannon Rutherford panics over the loss of her brother, Boone Carlyle, but Sayid Jarrah tries to calm her, and offers to try to find him. Boone, meanwhile, is elsewhere frantically trying to keep an injured passenger alive with CPR.
  • Culsu (aka Sue Cullen) senses another Quickening on the island.
  • George goes in search of the last two names on her list of souls to collect. She finds them. Maj. Powell (SG-23) is killed when he is sucked into a still-running jet engine. The engine suffers catastrophic damage and Jack Shepherd, a passenger on the flight, is killed by flying debris (decapitated).
  • John Locke and Daisy Adair flirt shamelessly while they loot the plane's galley of everything remotely useful, particularly the miniature bottles of booze for use as disinfectant for wounds. They emerge with their loot, meeting Ami, Ash, Jon and Clarice. Jon and Ash return to the wreckage to salvage whatever food there is while the women begin searching through the collected purses and bags, sorting useful items into piles.
  • George and Michael Dawson get drafted by Methos to help him save the life of Eric Gotts, who has a badly injured leg.
  • The Doctor and Rose Tyler find themselves trapped on the Island after the TARDIS ends up stuck there refueling in microscopic incraments. Were they pulled off course?

Day 2 (23 September)

  • Cockpit Mission: Parker Blaise, George Lass, John Locke, Marmaduke "Megabyte" Damon, Boone Carlisle, Jon Murphy and Rodney McKay take a trip to find the cockpit. They learn from the pilot that the plane was more than 1000 miles off-course and that six hours into the flight they lost all radio contact. The plane had turned back towards (they presumed) Fiji before crashing on the island.
  • The pilot was summarily eaten by the Smoke Monster.
  • The unexpected arrival of the Smoke Monster caused Boone to panic and run into the jungle.
  • Scott Hayden Comes across The Doctor and Rose as they all find water. He escourts them to Camp Crash.

Day 3 (24 September)

Day 4 (25 September)

Day 5 (26 September)

  • Nighttime raid on the camp by the Others. Ash Williams is unaccounted for in the aftermath and feared dead or captured. George Lass discovers that there is a Grim Reaper among the raiders when she tries to question a dead raider and the other Reaper assaults her. Tommy Whitehorse comes to George's aid, driving off her attacker. Eric Gotts is killed in the chaos.

Day 6 (27 September)

Day 7 (28 September)

Week Two

Day 8 (29 September)

Day 9 (30 September)

Day 10 (1 October)

Day 11 (2 October)

  • Lucy Brightman commits suicide by drowning at dawn.

Day 12 (3 October)

  • The group led by Faith Lehane and George Lass rise early, intending to travel to the site of Faith's crashed plane. George is going to rescue the souls of the dead, others are going to scavenge materials from the plane.
  • Amanda Cross attempts to murder George Lass, attacking her in the latrine with a machete. If not for the fact that George is already undead and can't rightly be killed, Amanda would have succeeded. She inflicted several lethal wounds before fleeing. Shannon Rutherford discovers George apparently dead or dying and her screams wake the camp.
  • Ami Jackson and Mara Sinclair both experienced the attack mentally and are badly shaken by it.
  • Faith Lehane is first to arrive on the scene, followed shortly by several others. Methos (aka Dr. Pierson) assesses the situation and concludes that there's no hope for her under these primitive circumstances...until he notes that George isn't bleeding as much as she ought. He investigates and quickly discovers that George is healing rapidly (which certainly adds credence to her claims of being undead and a grim reaper...). Faith also notices. They help George conceal her rapid recovery with cunningly applied bandages.
  • Amanda is quickly apprehended and dragged back to camp, where she is tied up. George's lover, Carlos Oliviera is in a killing rage over the assault and attacks Amanda, beating her badly before he's pulled away by several others. A great deal of angry recriminations follow. Carlos carries George away from the site of the attack to their shelter, where he gathers their possessions (Including the portable shelter) in preparation for the planned trip--though whether they'll return is an open question.
  • The question of what to do with Amanda is settled eventually. She will be exiled from the community. Several individual privately determine to "take care of" Amanda, to assure that she doesn't get the chance to return and cause more trouble.
  • George, Carlos, Mara, Faith, Ripley, Quentin Collins, Jon Murphy and Rodney McKay get a late start on their trip, but leave they do. Eventually.
  • John Locke, Parker Blaise, Michael Dawson and Sayid Jarrah gather to escort the blindfolded Amanda out of camp. They are joined en route by Daisy Adair, who suspects what they're going to do and is there to do her job as a Grim Reaper. They travel for a couple of hours before finding a location that will serve. After some discussion, Sayid executes Amanda by breaking her neck. The men bury her while Daisy deals with her spirit there and on the walk back to camp. Sayid and Dawson thus learn that Daisy, like George, is a Grim Reaper (Sayid is convinced; Dawson is still somewhat skeptical but willing entertain the possibility).
  • Back at camp, Locke announces that Amanda will not be returning. Most of the camp seems to be able to read between the lines.
  • Meanwhile... Detective Aiden Burn wakes up on the jungle floor, surprised to learn that she's survived the plane crash. When she stumbles out of the jungle and encounters Ash Williams and Claire Littleton she is even more surprised to learn that it has, in fact, been almost two weeks since the crash. She has no memory of time passing and is none the worse for it physically, which raises interesting questions about where she's been and how she survived. She is examined by Dr. Gregory House and pronounced healthy, though he can't explain it any more than she can.

Day 13 (4 October)

Day 14 (5 October)

  • Jack "Captain Jack" Harkness travels to 21st century earth (in handcuffs, alas) and gets himself beamed down to the island in his quest to catch up to The Doctor and Rose Tyler. He tracks down the TARDIS and discovers that it is very low on power and his friends aren't there. He goes in search of them.
  • George Lass and company reach the crash site early in the morning. Faith Lehane leads George, Carlos Oliviera and Mara Sinclair to the burial site, about twenty minutes walk from the crash site. The rest of the group remains with the wreckage, scavenging, resting or keeping an eye out for trouble.
  • George digs up the two week old corpses, which is a challenge for even her iron stomach (Grim Reapers deal with the newly dead as a rule, not rotting corpses). She reaps two pilots and two Watchers. The pilots are dispensed with fairly quickly.
  • One Watcher, Miss Blake, interacts with the group somewhat more. She wants to communicate with Faith; Mara agrees to act as go-between but only if she'll tell Mara how to get rid of a cursed object in her possession. Miss Blake tells Mara to find two books in the wreckage of the Learjet--these will contain the information Mara wants. Mara lives up to her end of the bargain, passing along Miss Blake's message. George then escorts Miss Blake to the afterlife.
  • The other Watcher, Charles Verlin, is arrogant, pompous and insufferable. He immediately begins trying to take charge and give orders. Unfortunately for him, he's dead; some can't see or hear him, and the rest are in no mood to put up with him. Nonetheless he stubbornly refuses to pass on, determined to hang around and keep an eye on Faith, the rogue Slayer, until she can be properly handed off to new keepers.

Week Three

Day 15 (6 October)

Day 16 (7 October)

Day 17 (8 October)

  • Ami Jackson, Claire Littleton, Rose Tyler and Daisy Adair are working in a newly-established garden mid-way between the two camps (beach and caves) in the middle of the afternoon when they are attacked. Ami, Claire and Rose succumb to the effects of tranquilizer darts almost instantly--though not before Ami communicates her alarm to Scott Hayden telepathically. Daisy, being undead, is far more resistant to the effects of drugs and alcohol. She tries to run for help, but two more darts are enough to take her down.
  • Molly Green was returning to the garden when the attack takes place. She is therefore the first to arrive on the scene. She finds the other women missing, and evidence of their having been dragged or carried off, as well as a tranquilizer dart.
  • Down on the beach, Miho's sharp hearing alerted her to possible trouble. In very short order she, Clarice Starling, Quentin Collins, Charlie Pace, Rodney McKay and Daniel Jackson began hurrying toward the garden.
  • At various points in the jungle, Jon Murphy, John Locke, Aiden Burn, Chris Halliwell and Kenzaki Kazuma joined the migration.
  • Meanwhile, back at the caves The Doctor and Jack Harkness are splitting logs while Parker Blaise listens to them bantering. They hear the cry of distress and the Doctor and Jack Harness sprint off to rescue Rose. Ash Williams soon follows while Blaise stands guard over the cave and its inhabitants.
  • Scott Hayden and Megabyte Damon attempt to find their way to Ami, using Scott's mental link (attenuated though it is). Damon teleports them, but they fall short of the mark. Scott uses his telekinetic abilities to set a tree on fire (creating a smoke plume) and then marks a couple of trees to point in Ami's direction, so they can return to the spot later and continue from there. Damon teleports them back to the clearing where the girls were taken, and Scott soon falls unconscious from the effort.
  • John Locke and a host of others follow the kidnappers' trail as far as they can, but it ends in the middle of a clearing. It just stops. Frustrated, they turn back. In the clearing they meet Damon and Scott, among others.
  • Eventually a group returns to the clearing where the trail ended and begin searching. Daniel Jackson uncovers evidence of a ring transporter. Jon Murphy discovers the control panel in a "tree" nearby. The group rings down into a tunnel/cave.
  • The would-be rescuers soon discover a force field blocking the tunnel when they stumble into it. When a number of them try to rush it, hoping to overload it, Jon Murphy passes right through it (the Ancient gene, presumably).
  • Chris Perry orbs to Camp Serenity with Kenzaki, getting caught red-handed by George, who sees them appear out of nowhere. Chris fills George in on what's going on. After disappearing into the forest for a few minutes, George reappears, ready to "orb" back with Chris to help rescue Daisy and the others. Faith drops out of a tree to join them.
  • George, Faith and Chris join the rescue team in the tunnels. Having passed the force field, the group is now stymied by trying to "hack" an Anciet-style obelisk (another transporter). They trigger a booby-trap that shunts them several (approximately) eight hours into the future. It's safe to say that the bad guys have now had plenty of warning that they're coming.
  • Chris Perry orbs away with Faith and the Doctor to fill in the people at both camps about what's happened. The Doctor remains behind with Blaise and company at the caves while Chris and Faith move to the beach camp, then back to Camp Serenity.
  • At a diner in Forest Hills, New York, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and May "Mayday" Parker are attacked by the Demon that Sam and Dean have been pursuing, and as an (apparent) result of the botched ritual are transported to Camp Serenity - right in front of Methos as he practiced katas.
  • Chris orbs with Faith back to Camp Serenity, and are surprised to see the new arrivals. Chris ends up orbing Faith, Ripley, Kenzaki, Dean, Sam and Mayday to the clearing to help with the rescue.

Day 18(9 October)

  • Jack "Captain Jack" Sparrow and his ship, the Black Pearl, mysteriously appear in the middle of the jungle.
  • Early in the morning, the protective barrier Tara Maclay set up around the clearing camp fails, waking the entire camp and triggering a short-lived truth spell that causes several members of the camp to blab secrets they wouldn't have otherwise.
  • Methos sets out exploring in the jungle, ostensibly to forage, only to be caught in a trap by Danielle Rousseau, who does not believe that he is one of the plane survivors. She subdues him long enough to get him back to her hut, but he frees himself and knocks her out.
  • Jack Sparrow finds himself drawn (via his compass) towards a column of smoke to the northwest. Hoping he can find rum there, he sets out for what he doesn't know is Scott and Megabyte's beacon for where the four kidnapped women are being held. After travelling in that direction for some four hours, he's led off that path by a scream of pain, and then a trail of blood. The trail of blood stops at Danielle Rousseau's hut, where she was holding Methos prisoner.
  • Sawyer and Sun leave the beach camp and head to the caves. House tags along.
  • Rescue Mission: Two teams head out to find the women. The overland group, consisting of the Doctor, Blaise, Molly, Chris, Jon, Scott, Faith, May, Dean and Sam, heads towards the burning beacon Scott lit up. The tunnel group, consisting of Daniel, Rodney, Quentin, Damon, George, Locke, Tara and Ripley, tries to go through the tunnels the kidnappers apparently used. Kenzaki and Ash remain behind to guard the tunnel, and Jin, Sun and Sawyer guard the aboveground transport controls.

Day 19 (10 October)

  • Daisy Adair gets her throat cut as another object lesson to a fellow prisoner, Ami Jackson this time. Daisy survives it, of course, and heals up very quickly--but it still hurts a lot and leaves her weak from blood loss. Ami is horrified and surrenders her objections to the test demanded of her. Ami uses her telepathic abilities offensively, on Boone Carlyle. They both pass out as a result.
  • Daisy, convinced that she can no longer wait for rescue, makes her move. She starts snatching souls left and right, discorporating her captors--guards, nurses, doctors--indiscriminately. She terrifies the one guard who escapes. Knowing she hasn't much time and needs help, she pulls Ami's spirit from her body as well to serve as her invisible scout.
  • Daisy captures the security office, but not before she gets stuck with a tranquilizer dart. A frightened guard tells her how to use the antidote auto-injector and she does, but she nonetheless passes out for a couple of minutes before it takes effect.
  • Once she's on her feet again, Daisy and Ghost Ami go in search of Claire Littleton and Rose Tyler, intent on rescuing them. About this same time, the other PCs invade the facility. Chaos ensues.
  • Methos and Jack "Captain Jack" Sparrow come across the bunker shortly before Rodney McKay figures out how to take the temporal bubble surrounding the complex down.
  • Daisy encounters John Locke and falls into his arms, forgetting everything else. Fortunately, the PCs quickly take control of the facility. John bathes Daisy, who is covered in her own blood, dries her off and puts her to bed, keeping close watch on her for the rest of the day and the following night.
  • George Lass gets shot during the fight for the complex, though it is mostly just annoying. She does show up to insist that Daisy help her capture and re-ensoul the spirits she snatched earlier (no need to let them wander around spying on everyone). Once that's done, Daisy retreats to her room with John in attendance.
  • While checking out the perimeter, Faith Lehane and Dean Winchester come across a WW2 style Army Jeep that's solar and electrical powered.
  • George snoops through the captured facility and chooses a room of her own, the one previously occupied by Dr. Sakai. Charles Verlin shows up and suggests that the room would be better used by Claire, who will soon be giving birth. George agrees.
  • Verlin also announces that he is ready to move on to his afterlife. After a brief conversation with George, he does just that.
  • In a search for rum, Jack Sparrow is misdirected to the ladies' room, where he encounters Molly Green just finishing up with a shower. May "Mayday" Parker and Quentin Collins drag him to the men's room in the hopes of eliminating some of his stench.
  • Late at night, Kenzaki Kazuma takes a guard shift - but does so in his unrecognizable "Scarab Undead" form. Coming back with the Jeep, Dean and Faith attack him and May helps him down, but May and Faith realize he's not a threat. Kenzaki can't even speak recognizable Japanese in that form. May fetches Daniel Jackson, who deduces the "guard's" identity and assures the others that the "mysterious guard" is not a threat. He does not, however, reveal who it really is.

Day 20 (11 October)

  • Isabel Evans washes up on the island and finds her way to the Dharma bunker. She watches it for a while, cautious about who might reside there. While she's watching George Lass emerges to enjoy the outdoors for a few minutes. Isabel comes out of hiding to introduce herself. George is only mildly surprised by yet another castaway turning up, and is convinced that Isabel must have some deep, dark secret--like most of the other castaways.
  • George and Isabel enter the facility, meeting Faith Lehane along the way. Isabel is introduced to the crowd, who are eating breakfast.
  • Molly Green rushes to Tara Maclay's side to absorb the magic that's causing Tara's constant discharges. She succeeds in taking it back, but passes out. May Parker and Chris Halliwell find her lying in the doorway; Chris tries a spell to determine what's wrong and shield Tara and Molly while May guards the door.
  • Boone Carlyle succumbs to a post-hypnotic suggestion (or something of the kind), recovering a hidden weapon and going on a shooting spree in the cafeteria. He wounds Ripley, Marmaduke "Megabyte" Damon and George. Ripley's acid blood inflicts further injuries on Damon, Aiden Burn and others as she lunges for and disarms Boone.
  • Hearing the gunshots, Claire Littleton mistakes it for an external attack and barricades herself in the laundry room.
  • The group gets Ripley off of Boone and gets them both dragged to the showers to clean up and tend to injuries. May, coming to the scene too late, discovers that Claire is missing.
  • When one of the search parties sent to find Claire (Damon, John Locke, Dean Winchester, Kenzaki Kazuma, and Isabel) discovers her in the laundry room, Isabel mistakes her for an old enemy and unthinkingly attacks her. Damon and Dean intervene, and Isabel is horrified to discover she just attacked an innocent, but Claire is still thrown against a wall and sprains her ankle as a result.
  • Isabel is dragged back to the cafeteria, where she spills her entire back story in an attempt to explain her actions.
  • When Damon and Locke get Claire back to her room, Methos realizes that Claire - probably due to the stress of the attack - is going into labor.
  • George Lass and Faith Lehane drive away from the facility in the captured jeep, to report to the folks at the beach camp about what's happened, collect the possessions of those who are now living in the bunker, and bring back others who may want to stay there.
  • Concerned about the disappearance of Methos, Jack "Captain Jack" Harkness sets out to find him, accompanied by River Tam. They don't find him.
  • Since May, Dean, and Sam Winchester volunteer for a perimeter sweep, Daniel sends them and Jon Murphy out in teams of two: May and Jon head north and west and Dean and Sam head south and east.
  • Dean and Sam encounter a wild horse, who literally chases them into a graveyard of sorts, with bodies dug up with some organs removed.
  • May and Jon are chased by the smoke monster; Kenzaki, out foraging, runs in another direction as May manages to lose the smoke monster in the dust. Kenzaki catches up with them as they spot another bunker, which appears to be a long-unused holding cell. They find some Ancient writing and, oddly enough, a pristine data disc sitting in one of the computer trays.
  • Daniel holds a briefing in the control room to make some decisions and get some answers from Alexandra Rosseau Gevalia about DHARMA. Dean, Sam, Jon, Kenzaki and May respectively stop in to report their findings. Daniel also announces the presence of their "mysterious guard monster" from the other night - he does not tell the group that it was Kenzaki, just gets the point across that it is friendly.
  • Chris Halliwell orbs back to Camp Serenity to update the people there, only to discover that Carlos Oliviera, Mara Sinclair and Tommy Whitehorse have mysteriously vanished. Jack, Dana and River return from their search a moment later, and after some consternation, Chris and Jack decide to have Chris orb the rest of them to the bunker.
  • Rose Tyler collapses in the shower as a result of the out-of-control nanogenes. Scott Hayden finds her there and calls Damon, who fetches the Doctor.
  • Late that evening: Fleeing from the Wraith through the Stargate, Raelle Kendrin lands in the jungle outside the bunker instead of Atlantis - and three Wraith warriors and a Wraith Dart ship follow her there.
  • Chaos ensues outside the bunker as the Wraith are dispatched by the teams running out to defend it.
  • Another Wraith Dart comes through the wormhole and crashes at Camp Crash. The Wraith manage to kill Clarice Starling, Edward Mars, Harold "Harry" Westington III, Jonathan Crane, Lex Luthor, Miho and Weevil before Sayid Jarrah and Hugh Emerson manage to kill the attacking Wraith.
  • The Doctor leads a rescue team consisting of Molly, Dean, Sam and Chris to the beach, but they appear just after the Wraith are finished off.

Day 21 (12 October)

  • Chris Perry returns to the bunker in search of a Reaper and takes George Lass back to Camp Crash to reap the souls of the dead.
  • Daniel Jackson and Jon Murphy prep the abandoned jail as a place to hold their prisoners. Raelle Kendrin questions them about the whereabouts of Rodney McKay.
  • Back at the bunker, Claire Littleton gives birth to baby Aaron. Methos is disturbed upon realizing the newborn is somehow pre-Immortal.
  • Chloe Sullivan, aged considerably by the Wraith that attacked her, takes out the Kryptonite she received from the mysterious box in the hopes its radiation will cure her. Upon waking, she sees no discernable change... but she has a craving to lie out in the sun for hours.
  • Fed up, Michael Dawson starts building a raft at Camp Crash.
  • Rodney, Raelle, and Jon set out to dismantle the crashed Wraith dart. May Parker comes across them during a perimeter sweep and helps with the dismantling.

Week Four

Day 22 (13 October)

  • Rodney McKay works on building a lab in an exam room, and catches up with Raelle Kendrin. Daniel Jackson comes by and asks him about the possibility of creating tracking devices.
  • Scott Hayden and Aiden Burn work on interrogating Ethan Rom. Kenzaki Kazuma also shows up to look intimidating. Jon Murphy and Daniel monitor them.
  • Meanwhile, The Doctor has a word with Dr. Sakai.
  • In the bunker, Ami Jackson checks in on Rose Tyler and Tara Maclay. They go exploring and find May Parker asleep in the kitchen, and go outside for an impromptu picnic, along with River. While relaxing, Tara discovers that her magic is gone - but she may know a way to get it back.
  • Late that night, Aiden pretends to be playing into Ethan's hands, asking him to tell her about her missing two weeks, in order to trick more information out of him.
  • Daniel pays a visit to the "non-essential" DHARMA staff they have imprisoned and tells them that if they cooperate, they'll go free.
  • Isabel approaches Daniel with the offer of dreamwalking Ethan Rom. The Doctor offers to supervise.

Day 23 (14 October)

  • Chloe Sullivan awakens at Camp Crash and goes out into the sun - and the artificial aging she sustained is reversed thanks to the Kryptonite and the all-day sunbathing session. Her eyes, however, are Kryptonite green.
  • Scott Hayden and Ami Jackson contact Scott's parents with information about DHARMA to pass along, and find out that due to the time bubble they've lost another two weeks in the real world.
  • Daniel Jackson announces that they will be letting the non-essential prisoners go. He does not mention that they will be released with tracking devices. The uproar at his announcement is interrupted as Rose Tyler collapses. Parker Blaise carries her to the medical lab.
  • In the medical lab, Gregory House, The Doctor, Damon, Jack Harkness, Rodney McKay and Scott succeed in getting Rose stabilized.
  • The Quest for Tara's Magic begins: Tara Maclay, Molly Green, Ash Williams, Chris Halliwell, River Tam, and May Parker head out to a convergence of ley lines elsewhere on the island to restore Tara's magical core.
  • Back at the bunker, Sam Winchester has a premonition of them being attacked.
  • Methos awakens somewhere in the jungle, tortured by huge rodent creatures, and unable to remember who he is. Ripley encounters him and drags him out of the pit, and decides to try to help him get his memory back together before taking him back to the bunker.
  • Tara and company arrive at the oak tree at the convergence of ley lines, and to Tara's surprise she and the entire party are taken to her magical core to repair it. While there, they are attacked by a demon intent on destroying Tara. As they fight it off, Sam passes out and finds himself in the fight as well. At the very end of the battle, Tara allows the Tree to interfere and stop the demon's attack - and everyone save Tara wakes up around the tree again. Tara appears to have vanished.

Day 24 (15 October)

  • George endures The Walk of Shame and The Morning After following her rendezvous with Jack.
  • Molly suffers a Magic Hangover in the kitchen.
  • Jack Sparrow decides that he's had Enough of this Sitting Around Crap
  • Ami Jackson, Scott and Daniel Jackson have The Dreaded Talk in which Scott grudgingly admits to a few secrets that really aren't so secret anymore.
  • Damon and Claire enjoy A Morning Well Spent out in the fresh air. They meet the newly rejuvenated Chloe Sullivan, who is just arriving at the bunker in search of indoor plumbing, air conditioning and processed foods.
  • Jack Sparrow kidnaps Dr. Wilson as a hostage and tries a not-so-cunning plan to escape the island.
  • Dr. Jackson Rallies the Troops to go recapture Wilson and...rescue Sparrow, or at least prevent a total catastrophe if Wilson actually does have a way off the island/to contact Dharma. They don't want Sparrow brainwashed and sent back with nefarious instructions, as with Boone.
  • The troops go in pursuit of Sparrow and get captured, split up into separate cells and tormented and/or investigated.
  • Kenzaki and Faith do some sparring--and some heavy flirting--outside in the evening.

Day 25 (16 October)

  • Alia Leaps into Kate on a mission to kill Daniel Jackson.
  • Methos returns to the beach camp temporarily. He meets Alia (in the guise of Kate).
  • The Doctor works with Rodney in the Geek Lab.
  • Rose shanghais The Doctor to their quarters, where they get their freak on in Man, I Feel Like A Woman
  • Blaise and Daisy start a game of Cheaters' Poker in the kitchen.

Day 26 (17 October)

Day 27 (18 October)

  • George, Jack Harkness, Chloe and Faith really get their freak on in a smut-tastic orgy of epic proportions.
  • Charlie witnesses the naked parade.

Day 28 (19 October)

  • Tabula Rasa: Old blood magic awakens a vengeful spell which wipes out the memories of all the castaways.
  • Ash Williams stumbles upon the trunkful of grimoires which had been rescued from the wreckage of the Watchers Council plane that crashed on the island, bringing Faith Lehane into the group. He discovers a spell in one of the books which he thinks will restore everyone's memories.

Week Five

Day 29 (20 October)

  • Ash Williams casts the spell to restore everyone's memories. It works--but an unanticipated side effect results in many (but not all) of the castaways being body-switched.
  • Chloe Sullivan and George Lass figure out that the Reapers can switch people back into their proper bodies, and proceed to do so.
  • Rodney McKay and Radek Zelenka discover--and The Doctor verifies--that the bunker is wired to explode. They temporarily halt the countdown, but eventually discover that it has resumed and cannot be stopped.
  • The bunker subsequently explodes, but not before everyone managed to get out.
  • The Grue attacks the beach camp not long before dawn, killing numerous NPCs.

Day 30 (21 October)

Day 31 (22 October)

Day 32 (23 October)

Day 33 (24 October)

Day 34 (25 October)

Day 35 (26 October)

Week Six

Day 36 (27 October)

  • Season Two of Fandom Isle begins

Day 37 (28 October)

Day 38 (29 October)

Day 39 (30 October)

Day 40 (31 October)

Day 41 (01 November)

Day 42 (02 November)

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