Ami Jackson

From Sinanju

Naomie Harris as Ami Jackson
Ami Jackson
Played by Fikgirl
Goes By none
Status Alive
Race Human
Gender Female
Age 30
Primary Occupation {{{Occupation}}}
Special Abilities Ami is a Tomorrow Person, the next step in human evolution. She is a telepath, telekinetic and can teleport.

Ami Jackson (Series: The Tomorrow People)



Character History/Biography

Ami knew from a very early age that she was "different." She had a way of "knowing" things or "having feelings" about things that was very unsettling and off-putting to those around her, especially her overprotective mother who desired only to have a normal, bright daughter. As a child, her mother often ignored Ami's warnings and comments, and apologized to strangers for her daughter's odd behavior and unpredictable vocalizations. Ami grew older and learned to bite her tongue; but she also learned that these very things that her mother was ashamed of were those things that set her apart from her peers. Because of this books became Ami's friends.

Her parents divorced when she was eleven, and her father's work took him first to Germany, then Italy, then Egypt, Australia and finally New York city where Ami lost track of him as his cards and letters became scarcer and scarcer until none came at all. Only her deep intuition told her that he was still alive and out there somewhere. Ami's world became her books and her mother – until shortly before her fourteenth birthday.

During what was to be a "fun" (and Ami really thought her mother was stretching it with that description) holiday to her Aunt Liz's home in the countryside, Ami's mother came down with an acute case of appendicitis. While visiting her mother in the hospital, Ami met two of the people who were to become some of her dearest and closest friends – Adam Newman and Megabyte Damon. And when she met them, she found exactly what was so different about her.

Ami is a Tomorrow Person, homo superior, the next stage in human evolution. Tomorrow People possess strong psionic abilities, the most notably of which are teleportation, telepathy and telekinesis. The trade off for these abilities is that Tomorrow People cannot kill. She was one of a handful of individuals like this on earth. When Ami met Adam and Megabyte, her fellow Tomorrow People she knew she had found her place.

Tomorrow People never advertised their abilities, fearing that they would be captured and studied, or captured to be used as weapons. Because of this, Ami has always been quite secretive about her psychic talents and will hide them to the best of her ability. Quite strongly empathic and telepathic, Ami practices yoga and tai chi as a means of calming herself, finding her center and maintaining the mental barriers which keep her mind isolated from those she interacts with on a daily basis. Despite that, she is always hyper-aware of the thoughts and emotions of those around her; they fill her mind and senses like soothing white noise.

Though her abilities, and those of the Tomorrow People overall, seem quite strong and akin to super-powers, Ami would be first to tell you that her skills have their limits. The energy needed for teleportation gives her a high metabolism; she has the appetite of a growing teenage boy. Long term and sustained use of her skills is not only draining and tiring, but can be painful, disorienting and often cause migraines and illness. Ami is capable of reading the minds of others, but chooses not to do so, respecting the privacy of those around her. Her true telepathic skill - two way effortless communication - is limited to her fellow Tomorrow People and those with psychic abilities.

Accessorized with a doctorate in Anthropology from Cambridge University, Ami spent several years doing field work as a cultural/social anthropologist in Southeast Asia and in the Amazon forest. She returned to her home in London, where she accepted a position as a professor and worked for all of one year. Ami missed field work and felt stifled by the university environment. When her first chance to "jump ship" came, assisting in a relief effort through the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Ami took it. Working to help others fed into her compassion and Ami discovered she enjoyed offering aid as much as she did studying and understanding other cultures. Helping disaster ravaged areas, Ami was little affected by the insanity and mass hysteria that griped the world in the first few days of the Stargate revelation.

When the call to help an off-world colony site came, Ami decided to take the opportunity to help on another world and learn about an alien culture. It was only after her briefing at the Stargate Command Center did Ami learn the truth about the mission she would accept. Given the choice of going off-world, never to return while knowing that earth might perish, or to stay and have her memories altered by alien technology, Ami chose the former. Unlike many of the others sequestered at a smattering of military bases, Ami at least was able to contact her fellow Tomorrow People and tell them good-bye. Her single consolation was that she might see a few of them again, given Megabyte's father's status as a retired General of the United States Air Force.

Post-Arrival Events

At the Gamma Site, Ami assisted in the organization of the colony site, the building of habitation shelters, and easing the new settlers/colonists into their new lives. She came out to a select few people in charge regarding her telekinetic and empathic ability, knowing that in the upcoming days, weeks, and months ahead, such information might be of use to the colony.

With little use for a social anthropologist, at least until the colony was up and running and Gamma Teams were established, Ami turned to exploring another interest: gardening. She works in the greenhouses, tending to the various plants and flowers that came from earth, while studying xenobotany first hand.

Character trivia and knowledge

Ami is an African-British woman, 5'8", 140 lbs, with very dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.

Ami's Nature

Knowledge of other characters

Romantic Relationships (If Applicable)

Future plans and Goals

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