Main Page
From Shadowsoflogos
Contents |
The Game
Lucia - Played by Lynne.
Genevieve - Played by Kon.
Other Noteworthy Facts
Fiction and Art
Pledges (by character)
The Occult Underground of the Second City
The Underground
Places to Go
People to See
Rumors: What You Hear
Cargo Cults on the Sea of Forever
Relics and Tomes
Other Oddities
Lost In Chicago
The White Tree Freehold
The Wind-Dragon Freehold
Goblin Markets
The Stockyards Market
Darque's Floating Market
New Cairo Bazaar
Lost and alone: Rogue and unaligned Changelings
Privateer Motleys
The Mad
Known and Feared: Loyalists
Other lone Changelings
Home and Away
Chicago's Hedge
Tokens, Contracts and other Artefacts of Arcadia
The Ivory Towers of the Second City
The Consilium
The Charter
Lex Magica
Important Locations and Hallows
Those Who Stand Aside From Wisdom
The Seers of the Throne
Known Banishers
Scelescti and Other Left-Handed Mages
Other Apostates
Other Worlds, Other Concerns
The Touch of the Abyss in the Second City
Astral Realms
Artifacts and sundry
Things To Do In Chiago When You're (Un)dead
The Court of Prince Merrick
Important Figures
Rising Stars
The Rack, Elysium and other Territories
Standing In The Rain
The Ordo Dracul
The Circle of the Crone
The Unaligned