Privateer Motleys
From Shadowsoflogos
[edit] Robespierre's Crew
Members: The dread privateer Robbespierre (Fairest, Draconic); Hobbes (Wizened, Soldier); Eats (Ogre, Corpsegrinder); Eutix (Fairest, Dancer); Paolo (Ogre, Troll)
Robbespierre's Crew is one of the most feared privateer groups in Chicago. Operating under a Letter of Marque from the Stockyards, they haunt the streets of Chicago, capturing changelings and mortals alike for sale to the True Fae or to Goblin slavers. They often come into conflict with the Freehold of the White Tree, and recently killed three of the Knights of the Pumpkin and the Willow Leaf in an attempt on the Winter Queen's life and freedom.