
From Shadowsoflogos


[edit] take me as i am;

Name: Lucia Shadowsinger
Player: Lynne
Concept: singer in the darkness
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Envy
Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Nightsinger
Court: Autumn
Image Song: October Project, Take Me As I Am


Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3
Resolve: 2

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2

Presence: 3
Manipulation: 1
Composure: 3

Mental Skills:

  • Academics 2
  • Crafts 1 (Repairing Instruments)
  • Investigation 1

Physical Skills:

  • Athletics 2
  • Larceny 1
  • Stealth (Remaining Still) 3
  • Weaponry 1

Social Skills:

  • Expression 4 (Violin, Harp, Singing, Composition)
  • Empathy 2
  • Persuasion 3
  • Socialize 2


  • Ally 1
  • Striking Looks 2
  • Hedgespun Raiment 1
  • Mantle: Autumn 1
  • Resources 1
  • New Identity 1
  • Spring Goodwill 1

Defense: 3
Speed: 9
Willpower: 5
Wyrd 1
Glamour 5
Clarity: 6
Initiative: 6

XP: 5

Darkness ** (Creeping Dread, Night's Subtle Distractions)
Eternal Autumn * (Last Breath Isaac)
Animation ** (Knowing Touch, Instant Expertise)

[edit] there's a place where fear won't find you;


[edit] everything you need to guide you


[edit] where your secret dreams remind you;

The Mask.

[edit] everything you have inside you;

Lucia, in her Mien, is a tall, graceful, fairly pretty girl standing about 5'11", very thin, to the point of being very fragile-looking, with moon-pale skin that has had all the color drained out of it: however, shadows can be seen playing just beneath the surface of her skin, as she moves. Black hair, blacker then midnight, spills down her back, long enough for her to sit on: it absorbs all the light that would normally reflect off it. Her fingers are supple and slender, and very thin as well, and her eyes are big and dark and shadowy, solid black with no hint of white.

[edit] leave the shadows dancing

  • +1 to her next degeneration roll

[edit] everything you have to guide you

there's a place where fear won't find you/where your secret dreams remind you/this is all you have to know/and this is all you have to go on/everything you have inside you/everything you need to guide you/this is all you have to know/and this is all you have to go on

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