Conrad Himmelreich

From Secondheaven

(Difference between revisions)
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<br>'''Art, Music or Writing:''' Music
<br>'''Art, Music or Writing:''' Music
<br>'''Weekly Schedule:'''
<br>'''Clubs and Sports:'''
<br>Judo: Tuesday + Thursday 6.45 - 9.00; Saturday 4.00 - 8.00
<br>Judo: Tuesday + Thursday 6.45 - 9.00; Saturday 4.00 - 8.00
<br>Football: Monday + Wednesday + Friday 4.30 - 5.45 (Summer/Fall)
<br>Football: Monday + Wednesday + Friday 4.30 - 5.45 (Summer/Fall)

Revision as of 01:32, 8 May 2007


Basic Information

Full Name: Conrad Himmelreich
Player: Shinn
Date of Birth: July 15th, 1990; Cancer
Age: 16
Journal: mondphasen
AIM: Tiefe Blau
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight: 160 lbs / 72.6 kg


Conrad is the spitting image of his father, Conrad Vahlberg, a famours movie star. He has relatively short dirty blond hair with longish bangs and dark green eyes. He's finishing his teenage growth spurt, so he's quite tall and fairly well built, but lean. Conrad is what some people would consider handsome, except he's usually wearing his poker face or looking bored and annoyed at you. He rarely smiles or shows any other emotion (in public). His uniform is always impeccable and he follows strictly every rule of the dress code. Outside of the uniform, he usually wears short or long sleeved button-downs and/or clothes that make him look older than what he is. The colors he wears most of the time are white, black, dark green and/or midnight blue.

Conrad's PB is Alex Pettyfer.


Keywords: blunt, honest, stubborn, serious, facade, shy, loyal, trustworthy, caring.

Conrad is blunt, honest, stubborn, serious and stern. Sometimes obnoxious, annoying and patronizing. He doesn't like people that are goofing around doing nothing good. He gives his maximum effort in everything he does, but he isn't always the best. This doesn't bother him at all as he believe that what matters is doing your best, not being the best. He expects the same from everyone else, which is why he nags people when they slack off. He's distant but not extremely quiet. He voices his opinion whenever he thinks it's necessary. Also, he's a bit more talkative on the BBS.

In reality, Conrad isn't as serious as he pretends to be. He wants to be recognized as an exemplar student and not as the bastard son of the popular actor. You can't be goofing off if you want that. When he's with his family and/or his best friends, he's really expressive and talkative. You could say he's making up for all the time of subduing his emotions.

It takes quite a bit for him to open up to others. He can't trust people easily and he's a bit shy. You'll need to be really persistent to get him to drop his façade. But it's easier if the person talking to him seems to be honestly nice and cheerful. He can't be mean to them, no matter how hard he tries.


Conrad Himmelreich was born from a relatively short relationship between Nanami Himmelreich and Conrad Vahlberg. Conrad's father wanted to pursue a career as an actor, so one day he broke up with Nanami (in fairly good terms) and left That Country. She didn't realize she was pregnant until a couple of weeks after he left, and they had lost contact by then.

Nanami moved back with her parents and informed them of the situation. Conrad's grandparents weren't happy with what his mother did, but they accepted her back. After Conrad was born, they soon forgot about this anger and his mother continued her studies, while his grandmother took care of him. They found their own pace and everything went along smoothly. His grandparents valued their heritages, so they taught him what they could about them, but they sheltered him a bit too much.

Soon it was time for school! Except Conrad didn't want to go. He was scared of being without his family. Oh well, he had to go anyway, so they talked to him until they managed to convince him. Time passed, and he got somewhat used to it. He didn't talk a lot, but he wasn't as scared about it. More time passed, and Conrad started to open up to a couple of kids. These kids are his best friends now, and probably the only people besides his family that he really trusts. He was a very good student since he was young. His grades were good and he participated in many sports, but his favorite was swimming.

After Conrad turned twelve, more and more people started asking him if he was related to Rad Vahlberg, but he dismissed that as a mere coincidence. It's not until he turned thirteen that he learned it's indeed true. He never had a good image of his father, but this just made it worse. He hated him. How shallow could he be? He left his son just to get fame and money? Of course, his father wasn't even aware that he existed. At least not until the tabloids started rumors about it a year or so later. Cue loads of drama and antics that lasted for some months. After a while, his father came to Beethoven to check if Conrad was his son for real. The similitude was obvious, and he had had a relationship with Nanami, but he needed decisive proof. So, they took a paternity test and obviously the results were positive. That was about two months ago.

Now his father seems to be trying to make up for all those years. He sends gifts and he visits every two weeks or so. Conrad believes it's all because of his image and for publicity, which is partially true. He doesn't want to know his father better. He is just another shallow stranger that's trying to invade his personal space. Anyway, his father thought it would be a good idea to send him to Second Heaven. It was the best high school of the area after all. Conrad didn't want to go, that meant being away from his family and friends for a long time. He didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of new strangers. It took a lot of convincing from his mother, but in the end he accepted.

Other Information

Birth Location: Beethoven, That Country
Why Second Heaven?: His father paid and picked it. Conrad liked the idea of studying there, but he didn't want to accept his help or be away from his family and friends. He got convinced by his mother to accept it.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: White and midnight blue/Melonpan and bratwurst/Reading/Japanese and PE
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Lime/Shiokara and labskaus/Socializing with new people/Math
Likes: Colors (black and green), food (mochi, berliner, ice cream, currywurst, tempura, dark chocolate and spicy food in general), sports (in specific: swimming, diving, judo, baseball, football), night, moon, stars, ocean, dogs, kitten, really cheerful people (His weakness DX), order, history, cooking(overly spicy food), secretly likes singing, manga, anime and video games.
Dislikes: Colors (magenta and yellow), food (saumagen, anpan, anmitsu, fugu, white chocolate and blutwurst), acting, science, loud music, loud noises, shallow people, dirty rooms, rule breakers, bad jokes, his father, spiders, snakes, being off schedule, idiots, cigar smoke, drunks and lazy people.
Visible Markings: A mole on his right arm and a faded out scar on his left arm.
Not readily visible Markings: A couple of barely noticeable scars from the different sports he plays.
Family: Mother (Nanami Himmelreich | 37) and Maternal Grandparents (Johan Himmelreich | 65 and Ayame Weller | 60) || Father (Conrad "Rad" Vahlberg | 38) and Half-sister (15).
Languages Known: English (fluent), Japanese (mediocre) and German (mediocre).

School Information

Year: 1st
Rank on testing: 7
Classroom: 1-1
History?: Japanese History
Art, Music or Writing: Music

Clubs and Sports:
Judo: Tuesday + Thursday 6.45 - 9.00; Saturday 4.00 - 8.00
Football: Monday + Wednesday + Friday 4.30 - 5.45 (Summer/Fall)
Baseball: Tuesday + Thursday 4.30 - 6.30; Saturday 4.00 - 7.00 (Summer/Fall)
Swimming: Monday + Wednesday + Friday 4.30 - 5.45
Diving: Tuesday + Thursday 4.30 - 6.30


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