Syao Li Wei

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Jia Wei Syao Li
Player: Snapple
Date of Birth: November 30, 1989; Saggitarius; Yin Earth/Fire Snake; Inner: Lidong Pig; Secret: Monkey
Age: 17
Journal: sawitonyourkeys
Height: 5'10 1/4"
Weight: 145 lbs


Syao Li is the prettiest when she smiles. Her entire being seems geared towards her smile, as if her skin, flesh, and bone were designed solely for the act of pulling apart to show her rows of teeth. She pulls her hair back from her face, laces it with shining beads, puts feathers along her wrists, and dresses herself up only so that she may smile. No lip gloss here - that would detract from the natural beauty of her parting lips. Hopefully the world notices how much she wants you to notice her smiling at you.

Penna's PB is Hebe from S.H.E.


Keywords Bubbly, open, friendly, maternal, romantic, intense, loud, physical, violent, bad-at-cooking, happy-go-lucky, familial.
In-Depth Syao Li has her own secrets about living, but those don't matter.

Nothing matters, really, in life, but what you get out of it! If you don't put your heart and soul into something you don't get any results. That's the way Syao Li sees it, so even if she ended up in Second Heaven on tragedy she'll pull through on power! Her parents would have wanted this for her, right? She sees herself as something of a beacon for others to cling to. She, herself, she doesn't really have ambition outside of becoming a Judo instructor - but if Shi Rong and Mao Shi can smile because of her, she's doing a good enough job, right?

To Syao Li, the world is full of people like her. They will never BE SPECIAL. They will never SUCCEED. But, they will make the world brighter with every step they take.

So she lives this way: She beads Mao Shi's hair, she tackles Shi Rong, she cooks badly but often, she stuffs her family with love so tight they can't breath.

So she is this way: She smiles when she wants to cry, she cries while she's laughing so that they come out at the same time and are always better, she draws flowers all over things.

She doesn't, and isn't, afraid of a little boredom.


Wei Syao Li's parents died when she was six. The death, so far as she knows, involved a broken pipe line in her home in China, but that's all she can remember. A piece of glass gave her the scar on her arm and that was it. She was just too young. What she does know is that she had a good friend in the world, named Jia Shi Rong, and Jia Shi Rong's father, Bao Xie, was a good man too, though a little eccentric - he'd already thought of Syao Li as his second daughter anyway, and Syao Li already thought of Mao Shi as her little brother and Shi Rong as her slightly younger sister. Syao Li's happy go lucky attitude threw the family for a loop, however - the rest were so, so, so! SO!

And you know, there was that bit about her spider, Demon. But hey!!! Mao Shi was a boy!!!! He needed to be tougher than a girl, didn't you know?????

So Syao Li livened it up, every day she could. Where this joy came from was hardly interesting to her - who had time to question their own pleasure? No, more, Syao Li just loved living, and living loved her. The older she got the more maternal she did as well - though hardly with an interest for men, Syao Li took up more and more the position of missing matriarch, even if sometimes she seemed the most childish in the bunch.

Soon afterwards they were whisked away to Auntie's new dojo in Beethoven, That Country, and she found herself with another love: martial arts. Day in and day out Syao Li trained to be an instructor just like Auntie, filling out the chores and cooking meals (which were consistently horrible despite her thinking they were fantastic and motherly pika pika!) just so she could manage. The more she trained, the better she got, so much so that when Second Heaven was suggested Syao Li flatly refused. She stated that as long as she had Demon she was fine.

Auntie suggested she wouldn't always have everything, and Second Heaven was way to assure that if martial arts didn't work out, there were other ways to go about things.

Shi Rong went. Then, Mao Shi's turn... Syao Li was already so old... finally, one night, late, when Syao Li was working on her push-ups, Auntie came to visit.

The cruelest thing Syao Li could imagine happened then.

Auntie walked over to Demon, pulled the tarantula out of his cage, and stuck a knife straight through him.

Syao Li fell onto her stomach during her push-ups and began crying, unable to do anything to protect the spider. The next day the message was clear. Syao Li tested for Second Heaven, and did surprisingly well on her entry exams, and was shipped off as a first year even if it was a little late.

There's now a new Demon at home, one that's about the same size as the old Demon, and no one but Auntie and Syao Li know the real truth about Demon...

To Syao Li it's better this way, even if she'd rather just be at home doing her push-ups, SIGH.

Other Information

Birth Location Beijing, China
Why Second Heaven? Demon died for it!!
Favourite Color; Food; Activity; Subject Yellow; Her Own Cooking; HAIR FIDDLING; PE DUH
Least Favourite Color; Food; Activity; Subject Um, Black?; Ergh, meat; Sitting Still; Japanese is a hard language!
Other Likes Cooking (Badly), Fucking with Mao Shi (a lot), family, spiders, judo, martial arts, teaching, sleeping, pretty hair beads, cute skirts, FRUiTS, Chinese stereotypical stuff, KUNG FU MOVIES!!!, HRC, Amnesty International
Other Dislikes BAD KUNG FU MOVIES!!!, martial arts animes (that's not real martial arts!), learning languages, people who won't eat her food, being told she's ugly/bad at anything, mean people in general
Not readily visible Markings Scar on lower back from falling down the stairs when she was 12. :|
Family Jia Mao Shi, Jia Shi Rong, Bao Xie... Mother + Father dead
Languages Chinese (Mandarin), English, HATING LEARNING JAPANESE THX

School Information

Year 1st
Current Rank 2
Classroom 1-1
History? World History
Art? Music
Clubs and Sports

Judo 6.45-9.00 T/Th Sat 4-8
Kendo 6.45-9.00 M/F Sat 12-4

Wrestling (Winter/Spring) M/W/F 4.30-5.45
Football (Summer/Fall) M/W/F 4.30-5.45
Baseball (Summer/Fall) T/Th 4.30-6.30 Sat 4-7

"i'm always in the dojo when i'm not at school!!!!!!"


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