Walk down center path

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

Passing rows of tables with yet more mysterious instruments, you continue down the center of the room, passing the stone pillars every once in a while. An ocean of small blinking lights, illuminated dials, scrolling readouts, and glowing jars of liquid cast an eerie twilight about the large space. You pass a workbench covered in electronic parts and step around of stack of crates full of wiring. You become aware that your headular appendage has been pulsing slightly since you entered this "laboratory". The wide aisle you are following seems to head towards a brighter space near the back of the lab.

You pass some shelving wrapped around a final pair of pillars and step into a slightly better lit space against the back wall. There are several large cylindrical tanks directly in front of you. There are well-lit and filled with some sort of fluid, apart from a set of valved hoses drifting gently in in the center of each tank, they are otherwise empty. Terminals are mounted on the walls next to each tank and a maze of hoses, wires, and pipes route around and into the wall and equipment.

To your left is an enclosed space with a shiny metal door and what looks like a large window, currently covered by a set of horizontal metal shutters. To your right is a slightly elevated platform with a glass floor looking down into some sort of pit.

Do you:

Investigate the shuttered room to your left

Investigate the glass-covered pit to the right

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