Operating Room

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You push through the shiny metal door into small entrance way, no larger than a closet. A large metal sink is on one wall and white outfits hang on the other. An identical shiny metal door sits immediately opposite of the one you entered. It opens automatically as you step on a metal plate set into the floor at it's base.

You find yourself in a moderate sized square room, the large glass shuttered window is set into the wall behind your left shoulder, likely for observation into this space. The brightest source in the room is a blinding rack of lights suspended from the ceiling over a bare metal slab in the center of the space. It lights only the immediate area, and many illuminated dials, readouts, displays and buttons glow in the darkness around the edges of the room, signaling more machinery idling away silently until needed.

Against the wall to your left is a row of metal cabinets, one is slightly open and an empty surgical cart sits in front of it. You can't see clearly what the cabinets contain from where you stand, but you get the impression of many sharp instruments. You can see a workstation against the back wall, several terminal displays casting a glow on the ceiling. Several red words blink angrily on one of the screens, you cannot read them from across the room. In the far corner is another slab, this one with rollers on it. It appears to lead into the mouth of a chute of some sort, you cannot quite read the sign above the opening from your position. A wisp of smoke escapes from the opening as you look at it.

Do you:

Check out the cabinets

Maybe there is something fun I can play with in there!

Investigate the terminal

I may find some answers on that computer.

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