East, to the Ocean

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

You walk east along the clifftop to the east. You admire the rising sun and the heat feels good on your mysterious antenna. You begin paying attention to your surroundings, trying to find any clue as to where you might be. As you descend down a trail in the cliff, the path changes from grass to rock. As you reach the bottom of the cliff and near the ocean, the rock begins to change to sand and you notice strange prints on the ground.

Upon further inspection, you realize that the claw prints must belong to a creature unlike anything you've ever seen before. Each of the seven toes seem to end in a large talon that digs deep into the sand, and the prints are spread apart by about 4 yards. You're curious as to what could have made these. On the other hand, you would probably be fine never knowing.

Do you:

It could be friendly, right?

Better not follow it, those tracks look mean!

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