Tropical Belts

From Reach




The tropical belts are comprised mostly of deadly rain forests and poisoned savannas. Temperatures are usually well in excess of 40C. Chemical clouds constantly blot out the sky, and frequently pour out Chemical precipitation.

Flora and Fauna

Other than humans, no terrestrial species can survive long in the tropical regions. The rain forests are dominated by towering Canopy Trees, and hundreds of dangerous plants and animals. The soil in the savanna regions is toxic to the Canopy Tree, so the ground is exposed to the chemical sky. Therefore, only a few species, specially adapted to survive and draw nourishment from these chemicals, spend any time there.

Native Species:


Human life in the tropical regions is brutish and short. Most humans live in permanently covered cities, sometimes still within the original Colonial Lander, other times underground. The primary wealth generation for tropical humans is chemical harvesting: tropical colony locations were selected for either access to valuable, naturally occurring molecules, and key terraforming locations. The terraforming colonies have been largely abandoned or destroyed, while the harvesters make their living trading valuable carbon 122 and other materials for nutrifood and other basic necessities.

Places of Interest

Meteorological Tower 12

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