
From Reach

Fizzers are a small native creature found in the Tropical Belts. They are roughly 1-2 cm in length, and are commonly compared to an Earth fly, although they look nothing like flies up close.

Fizzers are a small carniverous predator that vaugely resembles a tadpole. They have a slimy porous skin, a large gaping mouth, and a fin like tail. They would not normally stand out except for their peculiar method of propulsion. They absorb the chemical precipitation from the Tropical Belts, then use a combination of the acid and base rain to form a chemical reaction. Tight strong muscles constrict, forcing the resultant chemical reaction to jet out the back, where it is guided by the fin for manuevering purposes.

Fizzers are so named because the chemical reaction between acid and base creates a jet of energy, allowing them to fly. This creates a high pitched "fizzing" sound. While they are too small to hunt or even hurt humans, their physiology can cause problems. During chemical precipitation they will have a larger supply of fuel, and will appear in high density. Vehicles travelling through the area will invariably run in to some, causing them to explode with the force. While each contains only a small amount of chemicals, the density of the fizzer clouds can cause the front of a vehicle to melt in the ensuing chemical reactions.

There is no known precaution to stop fizzers except remaining still. However, the frequency of chemical precipitation often eliminates that choice, as a storm containing both acid and base will ruin a vehicle on its own.

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