
From Londonbirders

Revision as of 16:25, 2 March 2009 by Philip Lowden (Talk | contribs)

Please do not post details of scarce breeding birds (those included in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, amended 2000). Any such reports will be removed.

Monday 2nd March

  • Middlesex Filter Beds: 1 Firecrest, Chiffchaff. (Paul Cook)
  • Muswell Hill: at least 1 Continental Coal Tit this a.m. (Birdguides).
  • Paddington Green: typically-marked Common Buzzard soaring over local Herring Gull colony 10:35hrs; drifted toward Regent's Park (Des McKenzie).
  • Bedfont: Short-eared Owl favouring scrub land at rear of Bedfont Sports football ground; access off Hatton Road (present since last Wednesday) (Birdguides).
  • London Wetland Centre: 2 Bittern, 2 Jack Snipe, Water Pipit, Mealy Redpoll (Birdguides); 40 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, Jack Snipe, 9 Common Snipe, Wheatear present a.m., 8 Siskin, 30 redpoll spp. (Wildside, in one large flock) (LWC website).
  • East India Dock: Little Grebe, 2 Shelduck, 2 Long-tailed Tit, Sparrowhawk (Paul Hyland).
  • Wanstead Flats: 16 singing Skylarks, 2 Shoveler, 15 Goldfinch (J Lethbridge).
  • Wanstead Park: 5 Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebe, Ring-necked Parakeet (prospecting), f Sparrowhawk, Nuthatch heard singing (J Lethbridge).
  • Brent Res: 5 Greylag Geese flew in (Andrew Self & Andrew Verrall).
  • Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 5 Tawny Owl (both ads, 3 owlets) showing well; White-fronted x Bar-headed Goose (St James's Park bird), 6 Greylag x Canada Goose, Emperor Goose (SJP origin), 2pr Mandarin, 10 Gadwall, 52 Shoveler, 5 Red-crested Pochard, 3 Ruddy Duck, 2 Little Grebe (1 trilling), 2pr Great Crested Grebe displaying, 2 drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Treecreeper, 3 singing Goldfinch (Des McKenzie, Phil Stephens).
  • Trent Park Area: 3 Mandarin Duck,(1 male, Lower Lake, 2, male and female, Seedfield Spinney); 3(2m,1f) Tufted Duck, Upper Lake; 2+ Common Buzzard,(1 perched in Oak, Vicarage Farm, 1 Ferny Hill Farm, 1 Trent Park); 4 Stock Dove, at Vicarage Farm; 3 Green Woodpecker; 6 Great Spotted Woodpecker; 1 Meadow Pipit, at Vicarage Farm; 1 Song Thrush; 3 Redwing; 5 Goldcrest,(including two singing males); 6 Long-tailed Tit,(3 near Rough Lot, 3 by Lower Lake); 5 Coal Tit; 4 Nuthatch,(1 Moat Wood, 1 Shaws Wood, 2, male and female, near Merryhills Brook); 8 Treecreeper,(including two singing); 2+ Siskin,(1 male, Vicarage Farm, 1 male, Trent Prk); 1 Linnet, at Vicarage Farm; 1 Lesser Redpoll, Rough Lot (Robert Callf).
  • Tyttenhanger GP's: 2 Ringed Plover on Willows Farm Puddle, 2 Water Rail, Green Sandpiper,2 Shellduck, 8+ Snipe, 4 Tree Sparrows. (Steve Blake)
  • Ladywell Fields: at least 5 redwing in trees (35-40 redwing and 2 fieldfare last Thursday before I registered), 1 mistle thrush, pair grey wagtail, 1 adult male mandarin duck sticking close to a female mallard and protecting her from attention of male mallards (Philip Lowden - new member, hello everybody!).

Sunday 1st March

  • William Girling Res: Great Northern Diver still present; distantly viewable from Silverthorn Gardens (Birdguides).
  • Greenford CP: Brief visit but fem/imm Merlin through at 14.40, came down + chased small passerine before flying NW towards Northolt (very fast; small, indistinct supercilium seen as it flew over me, small size + noticeably narrow, pointed wings + flight actions typical Merlin); also Sparrowhawk sparring with 2 Herring Gulls, Goldcrest (Neil Anderson).
  • Beddington SF: 2 Shelduck, Little Egret, 9 Common Snipe, 3 Green Sandpiper (Dip or Glory).
  • Staines Res: 4 Scaup, Avocet on North Basin this a.m. (Birdguides).
  • Queen Mother Res (permit access only): Brent Goose, 5 Scaup (Birdguides).
  • Bookham Common: 2 Hawfinch still present this a.m. (Birdguides).
  • East India Dock Basin: male Wheatear, site tick and my earliest London record (Nick Tanner); dipped on the Wheatear at 10:15am, but Oystercatcher in front of Dome at 10:30 (David Callahan).
  • Thamesmead/Crossness: 1w Mediterranean Gull at Southmere Lake early p.m., 3rd summer Yellow-legged Gull at Thames off golf course, Little Egret, Curlew, Green Sandpiper, 25 Snipe, 250 Dunlin, 8 Oystercatcher, 80 Redshank, 11 Wigeon, 27 Shoveler, 60 Gadwall, 143 Shelduck, Stonechat, 3 Fieldfare (John Archer).
  • Rainham RSPB: 12 Little Egret, 14 Pintail, 60 Golden Plover, Curlew, Short-eared Owl, Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail, fem Bearded Tit, 3 Stonechat (Paul Hawkins).
  • Bedfont Lakes CP: 3 Egyptian Geese, 18 Common Gull (Adam Cheeseman).
  • Alexandra Park: Egyptian Goose Boating Lake until 10am at least but missing right foot! (Bob Watts, Stuart Harrington). Did it therefore "Walk like an Eygptian"? "Pegleg" seen early pm, also R N Parakeet over (John Murray).
  • Abney Cemetery: c25 Lesser Redpoll, in alders 20m south of monument (1 looked good for Common, but flock quickly dispersed north 10.45). Also roosting Tawny Owl (Laurence Pitcher). 1 Firecrest, 1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker and 9 Lesser Redpoll (James Arquette - 11:00am to 12:00pm)
  • Margravine Cemetery: Great Spotted Woodpecker male drumming on mobile phone aerial and female singing (Nathalie Mahieu).
  • London Wetland Centre: Peregrine flew upriver, Bittern, Jack Snipe, Woodcock, Water Pipit, 2 Stonechat, 3 Siskin, 26 Lesser Redpoll (LWC website).
  • Rainham Thames (foreshore): Water Pipit 3, Rock Pipit 5, Curlew 1, Dunlin 96, Redshank 74, Teal 40, Shelduck 25, Reed Bunting 12, Stonechat 4; RSPB Reserve: Golden Plover 90, Common Snipe 24, Pintail 2, Wigeon 215, Teal 165, Shoveler 25, Gadwall 33, Pochard 35, Tufted Duck 55, Water Rail 1, Little Egret 4, GC Grebe 6, Cetti's Warbler 3 + esc Harris's Hawk (Steve Bacon)
  • South Norwood Lake: female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Nuthatch, pair Great Crested Grebe, 12 Tufted Duck, 3 Greylag Goose, 2 Cormorant, 2 Common Gull, 1 Mistle Thrush, 7 Goldcrset, 4 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Coal Tit, Greenfinch, 12 Ring-necked Parakeet (John Watson, Gavin Hawgood).

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