Main Page

From Jaggedthrone

Revision as of 17:59, 4 July 2009 by (Talk)

This is the main page for the Exalted Chronicle, A Jagged Throne. Everything written here is entirely fictional, and entirely over the top. Exalted is Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.



Current Schedule is 1st and 3rd (and 5th) Saturdays of the month. Official start day is Dec 15th, 7:30pm MDT.

Dramatis Personae

  • Character Creation: Who is planning to play what. Players, add your ideas here to make the face to face character creation session go easier.

The Protagonists

People of Sand-Covers-Jade

People of the Shimmering Stand

  • Shade Lion - Former overseer and the closest thing the bazaar had to a master.
  • Shaken Branch - Former merchant. Happily cheated in order to deny a former rival a better price. Now a lay monk of the Immaculate order.
  • Invocation of Silk - Anathema who sought to remind the Autumn Bringer of the worth of Creation and failed.
  • The Fivefold Council - Bought out Shade Lion, and established a new, complex tariff system.

People of Chiaroscuro

  • Ten Scars - A ragged nomadic Delzahn who acts as a guide to fellow nomads in the heart of urban Delzahn territorry
  • Saad - "The Lucky". Merchant prince, and lord of the markets, keeps a manor overlooking the harbor. Amongst the third wall markets, everyone knows whose word really matters. That is the word of Saad the Lucky. No merchant prospers without this Outcaste's favour.
  • The Nameless Scholar - An eccentric young man, who hides in the Third Tower of the Dawn from a fair folk whose secrets he stole.
  • Isfar - Heiarch serving the Tri Khan, bested Kestrel in a duel.
  • The Mountain - Unctuous lord of thieves.
  • First Scar - Ten Scars' "brother". A nomadic Delzahn who has sworn his service to the Tri Kahn, and was made Defender of the East for his efforts.
  • Hakim - a guard.
  • Cathak Telens - The Glass Dragon. Ambassador from the Realm, patron of the Legion of Dun and Rust, and master of the Satrap of Sand-Covers Jade.
  • V'Neef Calatan - Stormhand. Rumored to be the most powerful Dragon-Blooded to escape accidental demise in the city of glass.
  • Pallas Perens and Pallas Pia - The twin heirs of House Pallas. Away at war to the east. Recently admitted to House Cathak for valor against the Deathknight Claw of the Grave.
  • Pallas Keleps - Diplomatic Dynast who purchased a few things from Vashtari.
  • Thorn, Petal and Stem - Outcaste witches from the East who have taken refuge in the glass city.
  • Mane of Sea Foam - Outcaste, met his end at the hands of Kestrel for collusion with the Deathknight, Last Words.
  • The Ocelot - Formerly of Nexus, met his end at the hands of Grandmother Bright.

People of Nexus

  • Pel Admar - Sorcerous witch, descended from a line of infernal created Dragonblood imitators.
  • Ben Admar - Pel's father, villain and noble of Nexus.
  • Pike - a captain in the Nightarrows
  • Perch - Pike's sister. A blind painter, blessed the ability to paint the truth of what others describe.
  • Mela - Proprietor of the Mask and Mittens. A resplendant destiny of the Sidereal Sacred Mother Whispers

Gods and Monsters

  • The Autumn Bringer (Spite) - A fair folk, one of Balor's kin, who dreamed of riding a mortal's curse to glory in the holds.
  • Marrow - A Fair Folk, who reveled in beautiful slaughter
  • Disinheritance - One of the Fair Folk, who dreamed of glorious betrayal.
  • The Cerulean Caliph in Fading Shadow - One of the little gods, patroness of local tributaries and the thieves and assassins that drink from them.
  • Commander and Fourth Degree Magistrate Mewut Tewopau - Dragon-Blooded. A local magistrate, who until recent cataclysmic events was building a private army.
  • Claw of the Grave - Deathknight.
  • The Flayed Knight -Deathknight, recruiting souls to serve eternally, in exchange for visitation rights in the Underworld.
  • Last Words - Deathknight. Claw of the Grave's representative in Chiarscouro.
  • Bronze Guardian - Defended the branch of Sharp Eye's Passage that led to Fourteen Flame Keep. Cut down by Mewut Tewopau. Repaired by the magics of the Manse in which it dwells, it now acts as a caretaker for the Circle.
  • Ki'rix the Hive - A demon from Malfeas, who brought a fell illness to Avenger's Eye, and drove three Outcaste Dragon-Blooded to a fury of elemental destruction.
  • The Creature of Flesh and Stone, Metal and Essence - slew all of the men at the Valley of the Oracle whose Eyes are Echoes and whose Voice is Flame and held the women hostage against the return of its mask.
  • Braxis - Celestial Lion
  • Jerek Frost Tears - Son of the killing wind feared by the northmen, and the queen that was destined to unite the men of the north. Hated and feared for his lineage as much for his abandonment of the North. Leader of the Legion of Dun and Rust.
  • Envy's Muse - Chosen of Secrets. She is of the most talented astrologers in the Bronze Faction, yet has failed several high profile assignments resulting in the loss of knowledge in Creation.
  • Paragon of the Red Treaty - Chosen of Battle. He is a favourite of the Maiden of Battle who is about 3000 years old. As such, he is allowed to live a somewhat reclusive life and is called on usually in emergencies and on short notice.
  • Shudder at Breath's End - Deathsworn Lunar Exalt. Former Pilot of the Galleon of the Drowned Legion.
  • Majesty in Exile - Regal figure, freed from the Flayed Knight's manse.
  • The Silver Knight- Protector of Majesty in Exile.
  • Bitter End - Who piloted Sorrow's Song on her final voyage, and chose to try to destroy, rather than treat with Vash'tari's circle.
  • Sorrow's Song - A Blue Whale, cruelly tortured to half death to better ride the sea between seas, and fixed with a platform. Perished in the Inner Sea.
  • Killing Rain - God of death in rainstorms in the foothills of the Sumner Mountains. Now trapped in Mudwall.
  • Lips Adorned with Blue Jade - A man size god in the form of a bird. Accompanies Killing rain.
  • Forgotten in the Silt - The bloody hand of Mudwall.
  • Sacred Mother Whispers - Chosen of Secrets, on long term assignment to Nexus.

Gods of Yu-Shan

Merchants of the Shifting Sands

Notables Met in Travels

Armies, Hierarchies, Covens and Cults

Calendar of Events

Jagged Throne Events

Balance = 233

First Chronicle

  • 5-Jan-08 = 6
  • 19-Jan-08 = 6
  • 2-Feb-08 = 6
  • 16-Feb-08 = 6
  • 1-Mar-08 = 6
  • 16-Mar-08 = 6
  • 30-Mar-08 = 6
  • 5-Apr-08 = 6
  • 19-Apr-08 = 6
  • 3-May-08 = 6
  • 17-May-08 = 6
  • 31-May-08 = 6
  • 7-Jun-08 = 6
  • 21-Jun-08 = 7
  • 5-Jul-08 = 6
  • 19-Jul-08 = 6
  • 2-Aug-08 = 6
  • 23-Aug-08 = 6
  • Story End = 10

A Rocky Matter

  • 6-Sep-08 = 6
  • 20-Sep-08 = 6
  • 11-Oct-08 = 6
  • 25-Oct-08 = 6
  • 1-Nov-08 = 6
  • 15-Nov-08 = 6
  • 29-Nov-08 = 6
  • 6-Dec-08 = 6
  • 20-Dec-08 = 6
  • 3-Jan-09 = 6
  • 17-Jan-09 = 6
  • 31-Jan-09 = no game
  • 8-Feb-09 = 6
  • 21-Feb-09 = 6
  • 7-Mar-09 = 6
  • 21-Mar-09 = 6
  • 4-Apr-09 = 6
  • 18-Apr-09 = 6
  • 2-May-09 = 6
  • 16-May-09 = 6
  • 30-May-09 = 6
  • 06-Jun-09 = 6
  • 20-Jun-09 = 6
  • 04-Jul-09 =


Great Cities, terrible wastelands, jewel bright oceans, enthralling Bazaars, and palaces of the great and noble. See the [map of creation] to see where these places are.

Scroll of the Ages

Tales as the scribes would tell them. Facts as unbiased as the victors.

Songs of the Ascended

Stories of the Heroes and Villains that color the Age of Sorrows.

The Hall of Arguments

In the Celestial City of Yu-Shuan, the Gods argue over the Laws that bind this realm. In the Hall of Arguments, such debates are vented and settled, for the good or ill of all who dwell in Creation.

The Eye of Autocthon

  • Video and Audio Conferencing: Skype
    • Hands free audio: I love the Polycom communicator for this. We use them at work, they cost about 90 bucks, and free you from the tyranny of headsets by doing echo cancelling right on the unit. I plan on using one for my home setup, so I can relax on my couch like I would in a normal game. sells them.
    • Video: ooVoo
  • Documents: This Wiki
  • Whiteboarding/Mapping: Unknown
  • Dice, etc..: I trust y'all.
  • Character sheets: Anathema (Mac users will need Tiger to run this, windows users may need to download some java.)
  • Official Exalted Wiki: Shockingly detailed
  • Unofficial Wiki: Mostly other people's house rules.
  • From the Official Wiki Resources, a much better character sheet(for Lunars at least.)
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