The Law of Familial Heroes

From Jaggedthrone

While the unfamiliar stranger who lends a helping hand is not uncommon in stories of the Exalted, I far prefer tales of heroes with strong bonds. They need not be revealed to all immediately, but all heroes must have strong mortal ties with each other, or risk being stricken from the scroll of history.

For the primary chronicle, the story of the heroes whose names were first heard at the battle to save Sand-Covers-Jade from The Autumn Bringer, all heroes should be family or close family associates of the trading company at the heart of that tale, or design a simple, compelling reason to trust and be trusted by that family.

If it becomes necessary to start secondary chronicles (for a change of pace, or to accommodate temporarily disrupted schedules), the Law of Familial Heroes requires that a similar heart be imagined for the chronicle before characters may be written.

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