Otogi Ryuuji

From Hinamizawa


[edit] Basics

Name: - Otogi Ryuuji (Eastern order)
Age: - 17
Gender: - Male
Date of Birth: - February 28
Zodiac: - Pisces
Country: - Japan
Grade: - 11
Occupation: - Part-time toy store employee, student
Home/Location: - Hinamizawa
Language(s): - Japanese, English (not yet fluent)
Weapon(s) of Choice: - Dice
Current Status: - Alive
Current Virus Level: - L5
Character Song: - "I Wanna be Sedated" The Ramones

[edit] Personality

Ryuuji is a social and charismatic (at least if you ask him) boy who prefers to be friendly to others, but more often than not this is a facade for hiding his anger at his father's disappearance. Snarky, arrogant, and fun-loving, Ryuuji also loves games and will happily play them with anyone who's willing to take him on. That being said, he has been around games from a very young age and rarely loses, having been brought up for the purpose of playing one against a certain person. He also likes to show off, whether it be in school, at work or elsewhere, and greatly enjoys a challenge - indeed, he is often unable to turn one down. Ryuuji is rarely seen without his trademark dice, and can often be seen performing tricks with them - something that occasionally gets him in trouble at school.

Beneath the cheerful surface Ryuuji normally shows is an angry young man who is enraged at his father's "demoning away" and determined to do whatever it takes to get revenge. He has a sadistic and cruel side which, while mostly contained to belittling and the occasional humiliation, sometimes stretches out to physical "punishment." He often refuses to speak of his father, even to those who become close to him, and will turn cold if he is so much as mentioned, even walking away from those who persist in asking about him.

Ryuuji occasionally comes to the town dump, looking for the locket his father dropped in his youth so he can offer it to his mother's grave.

[edit] Background

Ryuuji was born in Hinamizawa, and resided there with his father and mother until his mother's death. His father, Otogi Sindin, then relocated with Ryuuji to Okinomiya, where he home-schooled his son (believing that contact with non-believers of Oyashiro-sama would result in a curse) for most of his life. At first, Sindin was a kind father to Ryuuji, but as the years went by, he began to hear footsteps that followed him nearly everywhere. Before long, he became paranoid and came to believe that an old friend of his, Mutou Sugoroku, was responsible for this.

From then on, things changed. Sindin began to look much older than his years due to stress and lack of sleep, and became abusive towards Ryuuji, leading him to believe that in order to rid the family of this terrible curse, a sacrifice had to be made - in the form of Sugoroku's grandson, Yugi.

Ryuuji, having heard of Yugi's love of games, designed Dungeon Dice Monsters solely for the purpose of being able to challenge him at it. He grew to despise Yugi for what his family had apparently done to his father and attacked him at the first opportunity, using his skill at games and knowledge of Yugi's friendships in his attempt to ruin the other boy. Yugi was eventually able to make Ryuuji see that his father's condition was not the fault of his family's and managed to beat Ryuuji at his own game. Sindin, however, ranted at Ryuuji for being unable to avenge him and dragged Yugi away. It is unknown what happened next, but it culminated in Sindin burning down their home in a fit of insanity. Although everyone caught in the fire survived and Sindin apparently recovered, Sindin moved back with Ryuuji to Hinamizawa in shame, believing this to be because of the will of Oyashiro-sama.

Back in the village, Sindin and Ryuuji began to repair their relationship, and Ryuuji attended the school, beginning to have a normal life for the first time in years. The Otogi family was happy again, until the night of the Watanagashi festival, where Sindin disappeared as a supposed result of Oyashiro-sama's curse.

Now, Ryuuji works at the toy store after school in addition to thinking up new games. He refuses to speak about his father's disappearance and, indeed, will simply walk away from people who bring it up. He keeps Dungeon Dice Monsters largely to himself, wanting to open up a game store of his own one day. Whether he believes in Oyashiro-sama's curse or not is kept a secret, but one thing is for sure - someone is responsible for it, and thus has to pay.

[edit] In Hinamizawa (Updated Per-Cycle)

Cycle 1: N/A (Assumed missing/dead)

Cycle 2: N/A (Assumed missing/dead)

Cycle 3: Became friendly with some of the villagers. Was driven to insanity after watching Allen lose his mind to the curse and locked himself in his house in a fit of paranoia. Killed Saralegui a few days later and told Jessica to flee the village before being confronted by Chloe. He nearly clawed out his own throat before being killed by Chloe as an act of mercy.

Cycle 4: Shared some playful banter with Chloe and allowed L and Senel to stay at his house. Investigated the shrine warehouse with Allen and Colette and discovered the apparent body of the Queen. Met Muraki and was murdered.

Cycle 5: Pranks some of the villagers (as well as visitors) and promises to give Tifa some old games for the orphans, but is trapped in the school by the typhoon. Runs into Muraki at the dump and decides to finally start looking for his mother's gift again there. After the festival disappearances, he makes plans with Suzaku and Allen to leave, but he is the only survivor, and is left waiting for others to show up. He manages to escape early in the morning with Rinali and Komui Lee as well as Touya Akira, Itoshiki Majiru and Earl the duck.

[edit] Relationships

Otogi Sindin - Ryuuji's father. Was kind once, then went up to L3 and became abusive towards his son. At L4, he forced his son to go after Yugi. At L5, he burned down their house in an insane rage. Went back down to L1 by some miracle and moved with Ryuuji back to Hinamizawa. He then went missing at the next Watanagashi festival and is now presumed dead.

Allen Walker - Friends, occasionally gaming rivals.

Komui Lee - Considered a big brother because of the aftermath of cycle 5.

Rinali Lee - Essentially his sister.

Itoshiki Majiru - Considered his son after Cycle 5.

Touya Akira - Became his boyfriend after cycle five; now unknown what their relationship is - but whatever it is, it's complicated.

Jessica Ushiromiya - Considers her a friend (whom he also has a crush on).

Chloe - Sometimes a friend, sometimes an annoyance.

Muraki - Interesting, even though he intimidates Ryuuji.

[edit] Random Facts

  • Ryuuji enjoys playing with his dice, and often performs tricks with them during conversations or other situations. He also has good aim with them, and is known to throw them at people who annoy him hard enough to bruise.
  • Ryuuji is quick and agile, even able to jump over moving obstacles.
  • Has a general dislike of angst, and he's more likely to say "screw it" and walk away from it than anything else.
  • Due to his memories of the events in Cycle 5, Cycle 6!Ryuuji acts older and generally more mature than his years. He is also incredibly protective of those he considers his family, and will go to any lengths to protect them.

[edit] Other

Otogi Ryuuji is played by Flight and is from the anime/manga series Yu-Gi-Oh!, which is owned/produced by Kazuki Takahashi.

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