
From Gwn

Midgard (Eudora) (A-2)
Named After: Named after the Norse realm of humans
Relative Size: 1.2 Earths
Satellites: Notable Objects

Also known as Eudora, Midgard is the only hospitable planet in the Asgard System. The atmosphere is largely the same as the Earth, only with a higher concentration of oxygen in the air. Climate as a whole around the planet is much colder than Earth, and temperate only around it's equator. The planet has thriving life, and hardy evergreen trees grow almost everywhere. Like all planets of the Asgardian system, the composition of it's firmament below the crust is mainly that of iron and other similar metals. It has two moons, Frey and Freya. Both are meteors that were captured by Midgard's gravitational pull.



Eudoran Kingdom

Presaint Versaii

Defeat to GHOST

Civil War



Moon 1


Moon 2


See the entry on Alcázar.

Notable Places

Eudoran Continent -

Meaning of the Name

Midgard is a realm in Norse mythology. Pictured as placed somewhere in the middle of Yggdrasil, Midgard is surrounded by an impassable ocean. The realm is depicted as an intermediate world between heaven (Asgard) and hell (Niflheim). It was said to have been formed from the flesh and blood of a giant, his flesh constituting the land and his blood the oceans, and was connected to Asgard by the Bifrost.

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