
From Gwn

Named After: Named after the World tree of Norse Mythology
Relative Size: Blue-Giant Star
Satellites: Asgard System

Yggdrasil is a blue giant in the Asgard System. The Star's life expectancy is due to end in another three million years.


This star was discovered on DATE NEEDED.

Meaning of the Name

In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the "World Tree", a gigantic ash tree, thought to connect all the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. Asgard, Álfheimr and Vanaheim rested on the branches of Yggdrasil. The trunk was the world-axis piercing through the center of Midgard, around which Jotunheim was situated, and below which lay Nidavellir or Svartheim. The three roots stretched down to Hel, Niflheim, and Muspelheim, although only the first world hosted a spring for Yggdrasil.

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