Minmatar Ships

From Eve


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Minmatar ships have a distinctive haphazard or "junky" design that has divided the EVE community - while many people revile the crude appearance of Minmatar ships next to the more solid structures of the other races, a lot of other players adore the more ramshackle, utilitarian design of Minmatar vessels. Because of this, a common running gag in the EVE Online community is the comparison of Minmatar ships to junkyards or duct tape.

In terms of combat philosophy, they are geared towards hit-and-run combat and are typically the fastest ships in the game. Their long-range weapon system, the artillery projectile, has relatively low damage over time but an extremely powerful single strike, making it ideal for fast strikes. Their short range weapon system is the autocannon and has a lower single strike damage but a higher rate of fire, giving it a higher overall damage and making it suitable for prolonged combat. Minmatar ships are geared towards both shield and armor tanking, depending on attributes of each ship.

Minmatar ships are viewed by some as skill-intensive due to some ships being geared for fitting both turrets and missile bays.

Assault Ships (T2) >>

Sturdy and powerful frigates built for all-out combat.

Battlecruisers >>

A class of powerful combat vessels midway between cruisers and battleships.

Battleships >>

The foundations of any respectable fighting force.

Carriers >>

Capital warships, able to transport and deploy hordes of smaller vessels into the battle.

Command Ships (T2) >>

Battlecruiser-class vessels, designed to aid their allies on the battlefield.

Covert Ops (T2) >>

Frigates designed for clandestine operations.

Cruisers >>

The middle children of the starship industry, but not to be underestimated.

Destroyers >>

Anti-frigate gunboats. The middle ground between a frigate and a cruiser.

Dreadnoughts >>

Capital ships created for extended sieges of stationary installations.

Freighters >>

Capital ships, able to transport a world and a half and then some.

Frigates >>

Small, fast vessels suited to a variety of purposes.

Heavy Assault Ships (T2) >>

Sturdy and powerful cruisers built for all-out combat.

Industrial Ships >>

Built for the transportation of vast amounts of cargo.

Interceptors (T2) >>

Lightning-fast, highly maneuverable frigates.

Interdictors (T2) >>

Destroyer-class vessels, designed to pull other vessels out of warp.

Logistics (T2) >>

Support ships, engineered for field assistance in large engagements.

Recon Ships (T2) >>

Cruisers specialized in reconaissance operations and electronic warfare.

Rookie Ships >>

Starting frigates with minimal capacity.

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Shuttles >>

Fast and cheap vessels for easy transport.

Titans >>

Fathers of the fleet, the biggest of the big.

Transport Ships >>

Advanced technologies for the transportation of valuable materials.

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