156th TFW Aquila

From Electrosphere


[edit] General Information

The 156th Tactical Fighter Wing "Aquila" of the Erusian Air Force is featured in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. Throughout the Usean Continental War, 2003-2005, the Aquila or "Yellow Squadron" gained a reputation as the best fighter wing on the Usean Continent. Their main objective was to guard the Stonehenge Turret Network. The main aircraft of the 156th TFWTheir tactics are to always attack as a five plane formation, rather than engage enemies in a one-on-one match. 'Yellow' pilots also perform maneuvers such as the Kubilt and Kobra to catch their opponents off guard. At the end of the Usean Continental War the Yellow Squadron included a final roster of fifteen pilots, rather than the usual five ship formation.

[edit] History

The Yellow Squadron is Erusia's Best Tactical Fighter Squadron. Because of their skills, Erusian High Command appointed them with the task of gaurding Stonehenge. The flight lead, known as Yellow 13, is said to be the best pilot in all of Erusia and has a kill score of 63, as of October 10th, 2004.

At the beginning of the war they were mostly assigned to Air Defense Missions around Stonehenge. As the war went on and the Independent State Allied Forces were pushed towards the Eastern Coastline the Yellow Squadron was assigned to long range missions, from their Runway in San Salvacion. Their second farthest mission took them to the Petrol Processing Facility outside of Comberth Harbor on the far East Coast, where they repeled an ISAF attack, but were too late to stop it. However, they did manage to destroy multiple ISAF aircraft.

Their longest ranged mission took the to the Comona Islands, over the Riass Space Center. They had appeared at the very start of the battle and had remained their for most of the operation. However, with the lack of a Tanker on station they were forced to retreat. This retreat was also caused by battle damage they had sustained throughout the battle, mainly Yellow 13 who had suffered a critical misslie hit. It was later found that the ISAF's Top Ace known as Mobius One, had fired the missile.

The war pushed on and the ISAF continued to regain lost ground. Erusian High Command had began cycling new pilots through the Yellow Squadron, in hopes of quickly developing skilled pilots for frontline combat. Near the end of the war and as Erusea began to lose ground, the Yellow Squadron had been returned to defending vital areas in the Erusian Defense line. When the ISAF had commenced a Stonehenge Offensive, they had scrambled to intercept the enemy fighters. During the battle Yellow 04, Yellow 13's Wingman, was shot down and killed. The Squadron retreated back to San Salvacion after seeing the Stonehenge was already out of comission. Yellow 04's death and the destruction of Stonehenge was caused by Mobius One, as well.

A few months later, the ISAF Forces had attacked San Salvacion itself in an attempt to free the ctiy from Erusian control. The Yellow Squadron was active in the entire area, holding off multiple ISAF fighters. However, it is said that many were shot down by Mobius One in combat. The exact number is unknown, but Yellow 13 and the surviving members were ordered to retreat the Farbanti, the Erusian Capital when multiple Tu-160 Blackjacks were sent to destory as much as San Salvacion as possible. After the last defense line was broken days later, and the Siege of Farbanti began; the Yellow Squadron was sent out once again into battle. When they arrived, their first opponent was Mobius One, himself. Many witnesses from each side said that the enusing air battle was an amazing dispaly of ACM. However, by the end of the battle the Yellow Squadron had fallen, along with the Capital.

Though the Capital was lost and Erusea had surrendered, many members of the military had rebelled against their orders and took control of Megalith. They last Erusian Superweapon. As they prepared to launch a last devestating attack against the ISAF on the Usean Continent, a large ISAF unit was sent to destroy their base.

September 26th, 2005. The final battle was at hand. The trainees which had been cycled through or were once a part of the Yellow Squadron had gathered together and flown agaisnt the incoming ISAF Squadron, known as the "Mobius Squadron" lead by Mobius One. After an intense aerial battle, resulting in heavy losses on both sides, the last of the Yellow Squadron was defeated. The Yellow Squadron was offically disbanded in September of 2005, with the deaths of every pilot. [no records of surviving members have been found at this time]

[edit] Yellow 13

Nationality: Erusian

This man, only known by his callsign, "Yellow 13" is the flight leader of the Yellow Squadron. Yellow 13 is said to be the best Fighter Pilot in the F.E.A.F. and is later confirmed as the Erusian "Ace of Aces". He prides himself on the fact that he has never lost a squadron member in combat. Though said to be the best pilot on the Usean Continent, he is a somewhat quiet person. During his unit's fourth engagement with Mobius One over the Erusean Capital City of Farbanti, Yellow 13 was killed in action.

[edit] Yellow 04

Nationality: Erusean

Yellow 13's wingman, also the only female pilot in the squadron. She and Yellow 13 had known one another before entering the Erusean Military and had grown a strong bond with one another. Yellow 4, while seeming gentle, will not let any harm come near Yellow 13; not even on land. However, after the ISAF Resistance in San Salvacion set off a bomb on their Runway, she had suffered sharpnel wounds and soon after, had to leave to counter the ISAF attack on Stonehenge. There, she was shot down and killed.

[edit] Last Pilot Rotation

Name: Jean-Louis

Nationality: Erusian

He becomes the leader of the Yellow Squadron, at the final battle at Megalith, after Yellow 13 is killed in action.. He is killed in the battle and his wingman Gene, takes command of the Squadron.

Name: Gene

Nationality: Erusian

He becomes the second in command of the new Yellow Squadron and takes command after Jean-Louis is shot down. He is later shot down as well.

Name: Mihael

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Kenneth

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Risto

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Esther

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Kurt

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Duane

Nationality: Erusian

Name: Lewis

Nationality: Erusian


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