San Salvacion

From Electrosphere

Location: North-Western Usean Continent

Nation Capital: San Salvacion (city)

First Apperance: Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies

San Salvacion, located on the Usean Continent, is a neutral nation. It has been labeled the "Symbol of Peace" by nations on the Usean Continent, most likely due to a promotion of constant peace. San Salvacion is a neutral nation which has a reputation of being a peace supporting nation. Despite being invaded and witnessing many wars, San Salvacion still continues to remain neutral.

[edit] Keeper of Stonehenge

When the Ulysses 1994XFO4 Asteroid was spotted heading towards the planet, leaders of countries on the Usean Continent began looking for a location to place their newest super weapon, made to destroy it. San Salvacion was choosen, due to the fact that it was seen as the "Symbol of Peace" on the Usean Continent. Construction began in San Salvacion, after the 1994 and contunued for years on end, until completion before 1999. The Ulysses passed the roche limit and broke into more than one thousand pieces. The devestatin which followed was great, but, all nations on the Usean Continent recovered from damages and began to handle refugees, left from the impacts. San Salvacion, like other nations, began to intake it's set amount of refugees, but, was under constant threat of neighboring Erusia.

[edit] Hostile Takeover (2003)

When Erusea suddenly announced it would cease to take in any more refugees, in 2003, and sparked the Usean Refugee Disupte, it was San Salvacion that became their first target. By August of 2003, Erusea sent it's military into San Salvacion. The nation was occupied and Stonehenge was taken by force; all personnel within Stonehenge were also taken into "Erusean Custody". Many had said that "the symbol of peace had been trampled" and despite nations calling for the immediate pull out of Erusian Forces from San Salvacion. The FCU had stationed it's forces around San Salvacion and set a date from the Erusean pull out. The FCU threatened action, but, this went unheeded. The FCU and other nations formed the Independent State Allied Forces as a defensive measure, but, were caught off guard when Erusean Forces suddenly advanced on all fronts, pushing the ISAF Forces across the continent. As the ISAF did it's best to defend itself on the Eastern Coast in 2004, San Salvacion became a strong point for Erusian Forces.

The entire nation was isolated from the events happening on the eastern coast. ISAF Broadcasts from North Point were intercepted and eventually ceased to be broadcasted. Citizens recieved rations of food, water and gas and were only allowed certain technologies. Such as Crystal Radios. San Profetta Air Port had become an Erusean Air Base, the cities and towns were occupied by Erusean Troops and an un-finished Highway had become the Air Strip of the 156th Tactical Fighter Wing 'Aquila'; who were assigned to the protection of Stonehenge.

[edit] Usean Continental War (2004 - 2005)

The 156th or "Yellow Squadron" were later assigned to long-ranged missions to the east coast and scored success. However, as the ISAF won victory after victory, which included destroying the Aegir Fleet and an Amphibious Landing on the mainland, a resistance began to form in San Salvacion. The prescence of an anti-Erusian resistance was strong within Erusean held territories, but, with ISAF successes became even stronger. On the day of the Stonehenge Offensive, a resistance bomb was planted on the Yellow Squadron's runway. It went off, destroying spare supplies and parts, while injuring Yellow 04. Despite her injuries and the damaged state of her aircraft, Yellow 04 and the rest of the Squadron scrambled to defend Stonehenge, but were unsuccessful in protecting the super weapon. Yellow 04 also died in combat.

Soon after Stonehenge's destruction, San Salvacion was filled with Erusian Troops from other areas. Erusea reinforced San Salvacion, at that time, the last territory under Erusean control, outside of Erusea. At exactly 0000hrs. the ISAF launched Operation: Fire Fly and began to retake San Salvacion's capital city. The resistance in the area turned on all city lights at once in order to aid ISAF Forces. Erusean Forces were slowly sweeped out of each area with street by street urban warfare. Despite the prescene of aircraft from San Profetta, including the 156th TFW. Andre Wolfske, a San Salvacion broadcaster stayed and reported events through out the battle, despite the extreme danger. When Erusean Command saw that San Salvacion was lost, a unit of six Tu-160 Blackjack Bombers flew into the area and attempted to flatten the entire city. These aircraft were shot down by ISAF Fighters and San Salvacion was retaken.

The Usean Continental War ended two months later and San Salvacion returned to the peace it always maintained.


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