Gal-Zabor (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem



Info for characters

Gal-Zaborians are typically fairly eccentric and defensive in nature. They understand and sympathize with undead creatures very well. They have little understanding of technology and generally don't care about it. Most Gal-Zaborians have yogamantic zombies as relatives, were taught by zombies at schools, and have most of their possessions crafted by zombies. They are not afraid of death, and can live in chaotic environments quite easily. They are used to martial law and the military taking things over. Almost all Gal-Zaborians have magical abilities; it's not uncommon that people have proficiencies or skill in more than one type of magic. Many Gal-Zaborians follow the religious side of yogamancy as well as the magical side.

Generally speaking, the living of Gal-Zabor are treated as nobility, and the undead generally act as servants - not because they are enthralled or enslaved by the living, but because the living are their offspring and they've got nothing better to do with their endless lives.

Other information

Gal-Zabor is a North American country and is one of the major players in War Threads. They are located where Idaho and Utah used to be. They are south of Elled and The Great Wastes, east of Svensylsquatostan, north of Deseret and The Baron Lands and northwest of Istarra. The country is very open to magic users, especially necromancers and yogamancers.

Gal-Zabor is a chaotic, if peaceful nation mostly based on magic, opportunity, and the prolific functionality of the undead. Originally based from a simple watchtower of which magic user - whom were persecuted after the cataclysm - took refuge, the growing city prospered into a massive monolithic metropolis of which the nation formed around. Gal-Zaborians generally live rather merry, if happenstance lives, where what most people consider strange or frightening are everyday things.


Population: Approximately 6 mil

Capital: Gal-Zabor City

Largest city: Gal-Zabor City

Official Languages: English

Official Religion: Yogamancy

Official Magic: Yogamancy

Technology: Very low


Gal-Zabor is comprised of roughly six million individuals. Five million, Five hundred thousand of these are undead, with the vast majority of them being Yogamantic zombies. However, there is also a minor presence of skeletons, necromantic zombies, liches, and undead abominations (or 'grits'). There are roughly four hundred and fourty thousand humans, former humans, weres, and slightly modified humans inclusive. The final sixty thousand is other sentient creatures, ranging from alpha beasts(6%), to humanoid(92%), to docile waste creatures(>1%), to golems(1%).


Gal-Zaborians are, at some point down their family tree, refugees (Except for Kraggi bloodline, technically). This is an important factor in the mixture of miss-matched sub-societies in Gal-Zabor, which pepper the cities. In general, the Gal-Zabor culture is considerably lax between the living classes, as divisions between poor and rich are difficult to see, due to the level of technology and the gypsy-like vibe most of the citizens carry with them. The undead, however, have a much more structured ruling, mostly due to how dulling an ever-extending life beyond death can be.

Contrary to popular belief, not all Gal-Zaborians believe in Sanje as a god. Sanje's teachings, along with yogamancy, is not taught as compulsory in Gal-Zabor's education systems, though it is readily available should any citizen show an interest. This freedom, along with the well executed education system, is one of the main reasons Kraggi's reign remained unchallenged.


Gal-Zabor City: Capital. Holds almost all the population of Gal-Zabor. The city has many defensive walls, that segment the city into rings. Buildings are chaotically built atop and around each other, as well as against the inner side of the defensive walls. Roads are wide, and are choked with traffic of zombies at all hours. Non-zombie city dwellers generally take upper walkways that sporadically connect buildings every which way.

Tuksaul: A human-traditional style town of 6,000. This town was the last refuge for Nercomancers before the banning of Necromancy in Gal-Zabor. Tuksaul shares the same principals as Gal-Zabor City, but with a small town feel.

No other significant towns have been conjured from the relatively undiscovered Gal-Zabor.


Due to a labor force of thousands of unyielding, unsleeping, skilled zombie workers, Gal-Zabor rarely has to import anything to it's country, never having to rely on technology when they can easily keep pace using sheer undying manpower. Since most of the population is undead, Gal-Zabor does not need much in the form of sustenance. Due to a overpowering work force which is easy to maintain, the majority of the population is well off, and freely spends its cash and time to craft and design high quality items to each other at very low prices, resulting in a consistent upward spiral for the economy.

The overabundance of food, the lack of need for anything foreign, along with insane economic maneuvers by Kraggi (such as reducing the value of everything to 10%, effectively increasing internal Gal-Zabor credit tenfold while sending external relations for a loop) causes the price of various trades to be greatly skewed compared to trade relations elsewhere. This leaves Gal-Zabor's economic standpoint very difficult to define as a whole, but generally speaking, most Gal-Zaborians are well off.


Originally a guardhouse manned by Kraggi and his two associates, Chuck and Chuck, Gal-Zabor started when Kraggi sheltered a few magic users from a simple band of 'witchhunters'. Taking residence by their new 'protectors' and providing them with the basics of food, water, and maintenance (and entertainment, if you get my meaning), they were welcomed to live with the three. Soon after, the magic users left, only to return with many more that needed the same protection Kraggi offered to the group before, which Kraggi agreed to provide. Soon after, a small village was born, and the guardhouse of Gal-Zabor become the village of Gal-Zabor, which after many more refugees came, became the city of Gal-Zabor. Soon the small guardhouse became a grand temple and Kraggi became the first citizen of Gal-Zabor. Even magic users and their families saw the safety of this countryless city, moving into area surrounding and setting up farms and smaller towns. All the while, Kraggi promoted the use of magic, especially yogamancy, the magic of Sanje, and also advertising Sanje for worship. With it's own towns, people, and government, Gal-Zabor became a nation, one which provided protection to those who wish to use magic freely without prejudice or persecution.


  • Necromancy, while banned in Gal-Zabor, is still illegally practiced.
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