
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 17:59, 9 June 2007 by (Talk)

Umm, Hi. I was told I should make a wiki page about myself. Ummm, I'm guessing if your searching me, you already know me somewhat, but here goes. This is the first time I'm really doing anything on this or any other wiki, so sorry if I mess stuff up.


vote to get Amon Star to make his own wike page

Kgirl1992 Poster and Person

My RL name is Kate, and I'm 15. My favourite form on the forums is a V1 monkey, i.e. human with dark brown fur on most of my body; lighter fur on my belly and face; my face is rounder; I have bigger rounded ears, a tail, and I crave bananas (way too many people will think the wrong thing when they read that; I meant the fruit). I have a very hard time spelling stuff correctly, which gets about 1/3 of the forum to start fighting with me/each other at times (some very nice bunnys defend me :D and then they get yealled at to :{).



  • For a long time after I started I didn't have a avi, just recently I started to use one, my current one is at the start of this. I had the bunny smily before that (the danceing bunny that we where named after).

My Baby Jesse (EGS forum universe only; I do not actually have a kid)

Jesse is my baby girl. There are two reasons she was named that: so that when she's older she can be a boy or girl and not have to change her name, and also, that was the only name I could think of that would work for a boy or a girl. She was thrown at me on April 25, 2007 by Burningblood during a food fight of all things. After BB threw her there was a bit of a fight regarding who should take care of her/whose baby she was, and in a poof of smoke there were two babies; the other (a boy named Sue) is the child of CPUX's clone and the devil. (Please do NOT ask me about any logic behind that, it was Carrot...?) If you want to see it all, here's the link to the page on which she was thrown.

Threads I Frequent

  • Carrot...?
  • What a character would never say
  • Random image thread
  • I sometimes go in the "rate the above persons" threads and the comic/filler threads.


One cookie, one dead fish, a six-pack of unlabelled soda, one squirrel teddy, a TF gun, an Emu (what is a emu anyway?), a tame Squirrel, a Demonic Duck Doll, a nut shaped superball, pewter figurines of the EGS cast, a pair of katanas, a coconut bra, and a bunch of hammers including a big one for males/grammar nazis, a REAL hammer that you will feel and will work on anyone and everyone, and a couple of other ones.

All of my inventory is kept in a small bag with a magic spell on the bottom of it to make a pocket dimension that expands and contracts according to how much stuff I try and store in it. Unfortunately it has to fit through the bag's opening, so long things fit fine but wide things do not.

Fluff (My opinions about other people/things)

  • Super Lommy Parties are lots of fun, but I dont like the lower perch much. :P
  • Amon Star is very sweet; he once dove between me and bullets :D
  • Burningblood can be very evil
  • I use too many smileys.
  • I love the website
  • Peanut butter and fluff taste good together. :D
  • Yes, I did steal ideas from other people in the wike for some of this stuff.

Ummm, Anyone Want to Say Something About Me/Help Fix Up My Page?

There you go. One proofread and corrected Wiki page. Incidentally, an emu is a large, flightless Australian bird, and if you want to get things to stay on the right line, I suggest you use dot points. Or perhaps the < br > tag. Do remove the spaces from that tag, though. -Piebunny

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