May Kisane

From Egs Mayhem

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May Kisane(??, Kisane May) is a Player Character from the Bleach RP. She is the third seat of the ninth divisionof the Gotei 13 of Soul Society. May is played by Matthlord



  • Height: Unspecified
  • Weight: Unspecified
  • Age: 108
    • Apparent: Unspecified

Long black hair, green eyes, normal skin colour, average breast size, wears a modified shinigami uniform.


Coming soon!


She's very quiet and also very shy, she is gentle and caring, making her lack true killer instinct. However when she speaks, she speaks with much wisdom. She always use tactics in battle, which allows her to use her zanpakatou to it's full extent. (Short said: Gentle shy smart girl.)


Shinigami Academy Arc

Coming soon!

Mortal Happenings and Soul Beginnings

Coming soon!


The guard looks like an emerald leaf, the hilt is deep green with black stripes. Her zanpakatou's is named 'Hanabatake' (Lit: flower garden.) Hanabatake's avatar is a beautiful woman with pale green skin who wears a dress and hat made out of big leaves. She also has vines for hair that are so long that they almost touch the ground.


Hanabatake's release command is "Hanasku". When in Shikai, she stabs her sword in the ground, after which it sinks into it. When this is done she can manipulate all the plants around her, allowing them to grow very fast and stuff like that. She also gets vambraces on her forearms from which 2 big vines grow, allowing her to use them as whips.


May has not yet achieved her final release, although it has been fully designed. Also, the GM has made several statments that it is likely May will be among the first of the player characters to gain access to her final release.


  • Her expertise is flash-steps and sword fighting.
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