The Dirge

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The Dirge
Recording Details
Dates August - December 2008
Studio(s) Air Studios, London, England
Release Details
Genre Doom/Death Metal
Release Date TBA
Producers Tue Madsen, Assassin
Publishers Peaceville Records
Chart Position N/A
Miscellaneous Details
Language English
Length 57:45
Tracks 12
Fan Rating

The Dirge is the first full-length studio album by the doom/death metal band Metal Funeral. It currently has no scheduled release date but lead singer and guitarist Assassin has mentioned a February 2009 release date for both the regular and special edition releases.


Metal Funeral spared no expense while putting together The Dirge. Legendary producer Tue Madsen was hired to oversee the recording at Air Studios in London, England, and London-based record label Peaceville Records will be publishing it, and several guest vocalists make appearances on various tracks.

Track Listing

  1. "The Dirge"
  2. "Nauseous Force"
  3. "Winged Radiance"
  4. "Blades of Escapism"
  5. "To The Grave"
  6. "The Rebirth"
  7. "Mentally Tormented"
  8. "The Tainted Bloodspring of The Lepers"
  9. "Seemingly Haunted"
  10. "Tortured By The Ruins"
  11. "Seduced By Death"

Bonus Tracks Article to be completed

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