The Grand Arena / Start with Team 5 (5)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Entering their starting area, Team 5 considing of Sephiroth, Maya, Grey, Misa, and Rose walking and looked around getting a good grasp of their starting position. As a team, the five felt like they had a pretty strong team. They didn't have personalities that hit off against each other, instead having a strong team synergy. Also, they felt they had a strong team for challenges with Sephiroth and Maya both experienced fighters with the other girls looking like they could hold their own instead of needing to be carried.

The team spread out, looking over their beginning options. There was a strange pedestal with a blue orb resting on it in the middle of the room next to a transparent block of the floor which had a space underneath it with a ladder leading downwards. Besides it, there was a hallway on the left side of the room while there was a strange assortment of things on the right side of the room. Sephiroth and Maya made their way over to the challenge pedestal to see what it was about while Grey went over to check out the assortment of stuff. Rose and Misa took it upon themselves to check out the hallway.

Upon touching the pedestal, it started to talk. "This is a challenge terminal. By pressing the buttons on a challenge terminal you are deciding you want to compete in a challenge. Challenge terminals each have a designated reward attatched to them that you will recieve after winning the challenge. To start a challange, the right amount of players must press a side button to designate they are ready. Each challange includes different amount of players designated by the amount of buttons. This challenge has five buttons so it is a five player challenge."

It continued. "This challenge is a storm the castle challenge. The five of you will be brought to a castle, and have to break into it anyway you find neccisary. You must rescue a princess and escape. Upon completion you will be able to pass to the ladder next to this pedestal giving you a shortcut into the temple." Maya and Sephiroth looked at each other and grinned at that. It sounded hard, but a shortcut sounded like it was worth it.

Meanwhile, Grey was checking out the right wall. It contained five different person sized alcoves, each containing a jar of some strange white cream. It looked like there was a spot for everyone on the team.

On the left hallway, Rose and Misa peaked around the corner. There was a strange room around the corner and down the hallway a bit, filled with vines and random stone objects with a door on the other end of it. They came back to report with everyone else.

"So," Maya said, addressing the group. "What do we want to try?" After they all explained their different routes. "Personally, I like the short cut idea. I bet the five of us could manage it no problem."

Rose shook her head. "I say we just go ahead and try the cream in those alcoves. That seems simple and if nothing happens we can come back and try the challenge."

"Speaking of which," Sephiroth started, "We might want to try the vine room with those thoughts. Just to check it out. We can always come back like Rose said."

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