The Grand Arena / Go for the castle challenge (5)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

The team decided that they were going to risk the castle challenge. It would be risky and probably difficult, but they figured they had a pretty strong team for it. Sephiroth and Maya could take out guards easily, and the other girls were no one to carry along either. Grey could probably talk them through other situations and Misa or Rose could likely pass as noble ladies if they ever needed to have the option. Plus, it would be fun with a chance to a shortcut. What is the worst that could happen?

The five each activate a button on the challenge and instantly are teleported away and find themselves standing outside a castle. They look at each other and grin once everyone is there. The five go on a small scouting mission and quickly come up with several different ways in, each giving the task of discovering atleast one method.

Maya speaks up first. "Well, mine isn't the most practical, but probably the most effective. On one side of the wall it is actually possible to climb. I doubt we'll all be able to do it though."

"Aww cmon, that sounds fun!" Grey piped in with a grin. "Or we could do my way. They have a sewer system that isn't completely nasty, seeing as how this a game. Slide in one of the grates and we'll be in without any fight at all. Only problem is, there is no garuntee we'll show up where we want to. And it is the furthest entry point to where the princess will likely be."

A few people put there vote in on that. "I like Misa's idea." Rose butt in next, continuing the reports. "We can dress up as noble ladies and walk right in the front door. If we pull it off right we'll have access to almost everywhere in the castle. Misa can pull of a noble lady, while Sephiroth and Maya her guards. Myself and Grey could be dedicated servants."

"Servants!?" Grey cried out. "I don't think so!"

"Ok, ok. Settle down Grey." Sephiroth put in. "I'll go ahead and toss in the obvious as well, we could fight our way in. Storm the castle. In the confusion Maya and I would cause the rest of you could slip into the castle and begin searching for the princess. It is risky, but worth putting forward."

The girls all began debating then, thinking about it. "What about splitting up?" Rose finally put in after no one could come to a conclusion. There was even more debate about that. Finally though, it came down to two options. Maya and Grey slipping over the wall while Misa and Sephiroth posed as nobles with Rose as their servant coming through the front. The second idea was to have them all slip in through the sewers.

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