The Grand Arena / Explore the vine room as a team (5)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

The team decides to not mess with the short-cut challenge or the alcolves, they are too unknown. Plus, they figure after exploring the vine room they can always head back if they decide that is not the route they wanted to go. Sephiroth and Maya lead the girls into the room, looking around cautiously as they do. It is a strange room, with a large double stone door at the end with runes etched across the top. The rest of the room had all kinds of strange stone collums and slabs. Some look like they were meant to be used as benches, while some held flowers and others had no discernable use at all. And everything was completely covered in vines.

"Ok, split up and look around." Sephiroth commanded, moving forward herself to check out the door. It was unlikely that it was just going to open. "There is probably some kind of hidden key or button to open the door.

The girls nodded, splitting off to check out the large room. Rose and Maya walked off to the left of the middle path, Rose moving over to check out a bed of flowers while Maya moved to look around on the wall. Grey and Misa took the right side of the room, Grey just wandering around looking curiously while Misa walked over to check out a particurally vine covered corner of the room.

It looks like there could be something behind it, and Misa decided she should definantly check it out. Upon touching the vines, Misa finds that they seem somewhat warmer than they should be. As she starts to brush them aside she is surprised when one of them suddenly wraps around her ankle on the floor. "What the hell..." Misa mutters, bending down to try and unwrap the vine.

At the same time, Sephiroth is reading the runes slowly deciphering what they say. It was something about seeds she realized, having a slow time figuring out the rest. "It says something about seeds or a seed up here." Sephiroth said spreading the news to the rest of the girls. "Make sure you check the flowers."

Rose nodded at that, examing her batch of flowers, and moved to try and dig into the dirt a little bit. As she did, she felt a small sting on her arm. Gasping slightly in pain, Rose pulled her hand away fast. It was bleeding slightly, a strange thorn sticking out of her arm. "Ow.." Rose muttered, prying the thing out and tossing it away. She didn't realize it had a strangely covered tip.

"Hey I think I found something!" Maya cried out from across the room. "Someone come help me with this."

"I got it!" Grey called out, running over there for a second not noticing Misa trying to get free of the vines. The two started to check out a strange stone object that seemed moveable out of the wall. The two instantly started to tinker with it. Rose, not far away, suddenly was starting to feel very strange, staring ahead losing her thoughts as the poison slowly moved through her veins.

Misa on the other hand was having a very hard time getting free of the vines. And suddenly one shot up her other leg, wrapping up her thigh. Crying out in surprise Misa instantly went to try and pry it off. It kind of hurt. Which is when suddenly a vine dropped down from above and suddenly wrapped around her neck. Misa instantly tries to cry out, hands flying up to her neck, but it squeezes just enough to stop her from crying out without cutting off her air. Eyes going wide, Misa looks to the rest of the team horrified trying desperately to pry the vine off from her neck.

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