Tell Jenna and Michelle to stay with Kaylee while you go to school and report what happened to the principal

From Create Your Own Story

"Stay with her," you tell the girls. "I'll go straight to the principal and report this."

Jenna and Michelle nod. Kaylee looks up at you and gives you a weak smile. "Don't move," you say. "Wait for the ambulance."

You sprint the rest of the way to school, bursting unceremoniously into the principal's office. Before anyone can react, you blurt out what happened. The secretary immediately calls the police to confirm what's going on. 10 minutes later, a burly policeman enters the room and asks that you come down to the police station immediately to be questioned as a witness.

Once you arrive at the station, you give your statement. You learn that other policemen are at the hospital questioning Jenna, Michelle and Kaylee about their version of events. "Everyone seems to be saying the same thing," the cop informs you. "Plus, two officers saw the kid choking Kaylee. This case is clear-cut."

You leave the station, wondering what to do next. You're not expected back at school for the day.

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Social Group Nerd
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