Head for the hospital to check on Kaylee

From Create Your Own Story

You move as quickly as your legs can take you to the hospital. As you enter, you see a shaken Kaylee slowly walking toward the exit, flanked by Jenna and Michelle.

"Is she all right?" you ask, in a very worried tone.

Michelle answers. "Thankfully, she'll be fine. Just some bruising around her neck."

"That's great news," you say. The relief in your voice and on your face is palpable.

Jenna looks at you. "I didn't think you cared," the redhead intones, in a surprised voice. "I'm not ignorant. Most people at school hate us. They'd be happy to see Kaylee get choked."

You're shocked by the bitterness in her words. "I don't hate any of you," you respond. "Nobody deserves to be choked like that. Thankfully the cops were there. She could easily have been killed by that maniac."

"Michelle, will you take Kaylee home?" Jenna asks, turning to the brunette. "I'm going to have a lunch and a chat with this kind boy."

Michelle nods. Kaylee manages to whisper, "Don't worry, Jen. I'll be fine."

Jenna seems to have taken a liking to you. As for lunch...

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Jenna
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