Spend your unexpected free time at the video arcade

From Create Your Own Story

You head for the arcade. For once, you don't have to deal with a crowd of other teenagers competing for the cool machines.

After ripping off 20 levels in Pac-man and beating Savage and Payne by a combined score of 225-18 in CyberBall, you stop for a quick snack at the vending machine. You beat Davis and Rogers by huge scores and get a total margin of 462 points, the highest one.

You proceed to win 4 games of John Elway's Quarterback before going home. You study and do your homework.

The next day, the school is buzzing about what happened. Some cruel trolls are saying that they wish Kaylee had been choked to death, while others say the bully got what he deserved. You side with the second group, arguing vociferously that no one should be choked like that and that Kaylee and her friends are actually quite nice if people would give them a chance.

A hand taps you on the shoulder. You turn your head. Jenna is directly behind you.

When she notices she has your attention, she silently gestures for you to follow her.

Do you:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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