Downfall/Somewhere tropical

From Create Your Own Story

Summer, sun, joy. Ah, the cruise is just like taken from from a storybook. The weather is sunny, the sea and the sky are competing for the bluest thing of the world, and best of all - no tummlers are on board. The cuisine is excellent, there are enough activities to choose from, and you are invited to the captain's table on your second day on board.

The weather forecast for the third day predicts light swell and a bit of cloudy weather, but the following days promise great weather again.

Later that night, you awake from the sound of sirens. Sirens? You get up, only to tumble and almost fall down. The ship noticeable lists to starboard. Good lord, can it be? Can it really be? You shake Cate by shoulder to wake her. After coming to her senses, she looks at you wide-eyed, an unbelieving look on her face. A steward barges in, talking to you in a foreign language. His sign language is unmistakable, though; he urges you to move to the deck. He leaves two life vests behind and scuffles off to the next cabins. You quickly put on the next best clothes and grab your passport and a bag with your valuables. Cate does the same.

In the corridor you meet your children. They are ready to go, thank god. The five of you hurry towards the deck, where crew members are busy to direct the passengers to their predetermined exits. After boarding, all passengers had to undergo a practice emergency drill. Which is your allocated rescue vessel?

State of Clothing T-Shirt; Shorts; Bra; Panties; Sneakers


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