The Grand Arena / Decide on the train, following Reiko (4)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Everyone eventually decides on the train, figuring it would be easier and with a chance of keeping the entire team together. Reiko also knew that if only some of them got by, it would be the strongest and likely still be a good group to move forward with. She didn't know what the remaining girls would do, or what would happen to them if they failed, but she couldn't think of that. One by one everyone went up to press the button for the train challenge. When it was Reiko's turn, suddenly she dissapeared.

And then, she stepped onto a train.[1] Your thoughts are wiped, and all you can see is the filled to the top train infront of you that you step into. Your not quite sure why you're here, but you know there is a stop a fair distance down the track that you have to get off on. It is very important that you make it you realize. And for some reason you have a small warning of danger in the back of your mind. Why would you think that? You are just riding a train. You'll just get on, ride it to the end, then get off. You give a small smile to yourself as you push past a few people to the back. You've always liked a side spot.

As you near the back though, suddenly you feel a hand on your ass. What the hell? Just ignoring it though, you try and move forward but realize there are too many people to push past. The hand on your ass is gone now atleast. You try to push past but its no use. The bus is packed. Standing where you are, suddenly you feel a hand brush up against your ass again. Someone is definantly taking advantage of the packed bus to feel you up. You try to ignore it, no need to make a scene. Plus, you can't even tell who it is. Someone behind you.

Then suddenly you feel a hard squeeze on your ass, causing your eyes to open in indigntation. How dare someone? You try and scoot forward a little, your hands coming back trying to pull the hand off of you. But the person just squeezes tight causing you to gasp slightly, your hand finding his wrist finally tring to stop him. But suddenly right as you grab his wrists two hands find themselves on your breasts, squeezing them from infront.

Instantly your eyes fly open in shock, bringing your face forward instantly bringing your hands up to protect yourself. How dare these people touch you like that in such a public place? You gasp slightly as they squeeze your breasts, trying to pull away but to no avail with the hand on your ass holding you firm.

The person infront of you starts to play with your breasts then, squeezing them and trying to get at your nipples rubbing them through your bra. Your hands come up to stop them but you can hardly stop them, trying to keep quiet so no one notices you getting you getting touched like this in public. After a few seconds you manage to fight the hands off, moving your hands back to get the hand off your ass which is now someone else grabbing it. Then suddenly you feel something slide up under your jacket and you hear a small snap.

Then to your horror you feel your bra sliding down and before you stop it it is yanked out from underneath your shirt and tossed on the ground infront of you. How could they take off your bra like this in public. You look around frantically, your ass getting grabbed again.

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