The Grand Arena / In a panic, try to retrieve your bra (4)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Panicing a little bit as you lose your bra, you instantly bend down reaching for it. But you quickly find you can't reach it, everyone packed in so tightly. Suddenly you feel a hand cup your breast through your blouse, your breast completely unprotected without your bra. You gasp, horrified and yank yourself away, going down to all fours trying to get at your bra. You reach for it but suddenly someone kicks it away, the bra sliding across the floor to the far wall. Eyes wide you instantly try to get up, but suddenly someone puts a leg over you, effectively stradling you about at your waist. You can't get up!

Suddenly you feel a hard spank on your ass from behind, which to your horror turns into a grab squeezing your ass. You manage to not cry out, face turning red trying not to get noticed by everyone. You try to get up, but the man straddling you just tightens his legs not letting you go. Your hands instantly come back to push against them struggling. But then your eyes widen as another hand moves forward and to your horror slides over your shorts rubbing your pussy through them between your legs.

Instantly blushing you try to pull away, but its no use. Your pinned between this guys legs. The hand, after meeting no resistance starts to rub harder, forcing you to bite your lip in pleasure. How dare these people touch you like that? Then suddenly you yelp as someone spanks your ass hard giving it another squeeze. Then suddenly a hand from the guy stradling you catches your chin, bringing your head up to his crotch faced the other way, pinning it there. You look up to see him looking down and grinning at you.

Then to your horror two hands find there way to your now raised breasts, squeezing them hard through your thin blouse. You isntantly let out a small moan before stiffling it, looking around in complete embaressment. They can't make you make noise infront of these people! Then to your horror they find your nipples, squeezing them through your blouse. Instantly your face goes red, hands coming up to try and stop them as you let out an uncontrollable moan liking that far too much.

Which is when you feel the hand rubbing your pussy slide up to start undoing your shorts. Your eyes go wide instantly, you can't let him get any further! But the hands on your breasts are squeezing your breasts over and over, playing and flicking with your nipples through your thin bra. One hand comes up to grab one of their wrists desperately trying to stop the pleasure, your other hand keeping you on all fours unable to do anything.

You feel your shorts loosen knowing the guy behind you got them undone. You panic, you can't let him go any further! What are these guys planning! Anyone could see you!

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