The Grand Arena / Try and stay calm, fighting holding off your attackers (4)

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Staying calm the best you can, you don't reach for the bra, you still have your blouse on and are decently covered, though you feel your nipples pressing against it. But you are a little shaken, these guys just got your bra off! Bringing your hands up defensively now, you fend the hands away from your breasts instead of going after your bra. But then to your horror suddenly hands come up from behind you, grabbing your breasts from behind and squeezing them through your thin blouse causing you to give a gasp, blushing as their thumbs instantly find your nipples and rub over them.

You start to panic a little bit then, hands instantly coming back to grab the hands squeezing your breasts. But he has a firm grasp, squeezing them harder causing you to blush, holding in another gasp. Then, to your horror, the hands that were on your ass suddenly starts to run around your waist, going to undo your shorts.

You instantly start to freak out a little bit, the man on your breasts being too rough to let you bring your hands down to stop the man. You try and move your hips away from him but it is no use, his other hand grabbing one of your hips to keep you in place as he manages to unbuckle you.

They can't be doing this to you! Instantly you try to open your mouth, you have to. You can't let them do this to you! You'll just have to swallow your pride. But as soon as you open your mouth to cry for help a woman steps up infront of you, shoving three fingers into your mouth, grabbing your tongue and gagging you. You gasp at that, blushing, feeling the zipper slide down from your pants and with your loosen shorts a hand slides down underneath them from behind.

Panic mode is still setting in though, pulling yourself back into being calm as much as possible. There has to be something you can do! Maybe you can just give up on the guy after your breasts, you can't seem to get him off of you. If you can get the ladies fingers out of your mouth you can give a cry of help, or perhaps more desperately go after the hands after your shorts.

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