
From Charas Project



Gemini Joined the Forums officially in 2005, after a year or two of general lurking. Back in the day he had another account, before Gemini, but the name and password have long since been erased from the annals of charas' past.

Gemini was exploring the functions of RPG maker 2003 at the time, and used to generators to make what he thought, at the time, were godly sprites, but in time it was discovered that the sprites indeed sucked butts, and were of the same quality of an HIV addled orphan child with clubbed hands.

Some IRL info

Gemini is a tattoo artist who's real name is Benjamin, and he can grow a mustache that is better then your ENTIRE FUCKIN' LIFE. Gemini is, in fact, a Gemini.


Gemini joined charas while working on a project premise relating around his own GENIA Mythos. He has tried to make this project about eight million times, and scrapped it every single time. The project has always revolved around using as much custom material as possible.

For a little while, he made a project called QUEST RPG, wherein HE ACTUALLY CREATED A PLAYABLE DEMO, which was filled with bugs and glitches, but had some pretty kick ass cliche things going on in it too. Dominicy has since requested 'license' to the project, and it's in his hands now.

Charas Contributions

Back in 05, some shitty things were submitted. In 06 Gemini got himself a tablet. Some more shitty things were submitted, but they were less shitty, and people generally lied and said they weren't. Gemini stopped using 2K3 and discovered he was capable of doing less shitty work. Since this time, Gemini has produced a couple of lines of sprite templates, including a stout template for use with TBS games, A taller template for use in projects that don't suck. The Tall template has since been refined into a side scrolling platformer template which is currently in the being-perfected stage.

Gemini makes custom chipsets.

Gemini made a series of (unfinished) art tutorials which can be found on charas, and one day plans to finish them.

The Ascent to Higher Levels of Mediocrity

In '05, upon joining, having professional art background, Gemini figured he was better then everyone else, and was abruptly scorned by a Ryos4, a now inactive member, who was known for making custom sprites. Strangely enough, Meiscool, another inactive member, was quick to quell the debate. This is pretty much irrelevant to anything.

Some stuff happened, and occasionally Gemini was heavily inactive due to work and periods of internetlessness.

Gemini eventually made a triumphant return, and did some stuff.

Eventually a topic called BONK BONK BONK was made, in which for some reason or another (most likely due to a lack of social life) Gemini threw an unjustified hissy fit, and threatened to leave the forums. He returned under an Alias, and eventually realized how much of a faggot he was being about the whole situation, and decided not to be a faggot about things any more.

A good deal of time later, after proving not to be a sissy fag bitch, Gemini was made co-mod of all of all, much to the bewilderment of X_marks_the_ed. This happened after a MrMister threw a fag bitch hissy fit about how much better then everyone else he is and how he's leaving the forums for good, even though he still lurks under the forum bridge with the other trolls.

That's about it for that I guess.

other stuff

Gemini is one of the oldest dudes on the forum. Gemini is a Nazi for running IP checks on New members. This is because he secretly likes to foil double accounts. HE THIRSTS FOR VIGILANTE JUSTICE! Gemini makes loads of typos. And despite Firefox giving him the option of fixing these with a click, he decides not to. Gemini like better music then all of you.

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