User talk:Gemini

From Charas Project

Gemini lurked around charas forums starting around the begining of 2004, occasionally looking for help topics to relive his nubness, and exploiting the generators.

Eventually he came to enjoy the wealth of resources Charas Had to offer.

In November of 05, he registered as a member and was sucked into a life of addiction and ill repute


An iDraw God

Not being humble, gemini welcome threaded himself, declaring he was indeed an "iDraw God" Only to be reprimanded by the now usually absent Ryos4

After a bit of pointless bickering, the two began working on 2K3 Sprite set collaborations for geminis ever changing game project, which is thought by some to not even properly exist.

From FF Fangame, so uncompleted Project : How Genia is changing the face of nothing substantial

Geminis main project, the chronicles of genia series, started in principal as a FF fangame. This idea was quickly ditched in favor on not being rejected by the communitys intrest. The FF monicker was dropped, and a stand along idea was birthed.

Eventually, every incarnate of the genia series is ditched and restarted after some outside circumstance renders the project dated by geminis Stadards.

For the last year, the genia Games have been slated to be released on RPG Maker XP.

2003 sucked

Gemini dosent like RPGmaker 2003. It is Gay

XP Owns you

Gemini Ditched 2k3 in favor of XP because of the abiltiy to easily create custom component battle and menu systems for his games....whcih are known for colour depth, Cinematic 2-d animations and Tactical Battle systems. Even though these games are I gian lie. They will never be released because Gem is a bitch.

Tutorials, And the Custom XP RTP project

Gem is in the process of writing a series of HOW TO DRAW tutorials for the charas community....And trying to compile enought Home made from scratch generator resources, Templates Chipsets and stuff, to reease a completly no RTP Run time Package for RMXP. He hoped to get people to help, but they were all bitches about it, and had lives to live. In 9000 years, this will be ready for publish.

Gemini would also like to state that he is the All of all moderator as of sometime over 100 years ago.

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